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Origin and essence of global problems

Тип: реферат
Категория: Международные отношения
The essence of an environmental problem. Features of global problems. Family, poverty, war and peace problems. Culture and moral crisis. Global problems is invitation to the human mind. Moral and philosophical priorities in relationship with the nature.
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  • Introduction
  • Origin and essence of global problems
  • Global problems
  • Family problem
  • Poverty problem
  • Culture and moral crisis
  • War and peace problem
  • Environmental problem
  • Global problems is invitation to the human mind
  • Conclusion
  • List of references


In all branches of the human's activity, as a kind of animate nature, problem intensity is observed. This intensity is very actual today. Topicality problems' of contemporary humanity consist in civilization as such able not only self-destruction, but also destroy all milieu of life's magnificence.

In present conditions at a civilization two ways of further history: or to fall into oblivion and to get lost weightless ashes in world space and to carry away with itself all live, or to comprehend all the experience and to pass from the development period "Homo sapiens" to the period "Person Wise". But on many signs the problem of a choice of a way now very few people interests. Global problems have planetary, universal character, infringe on interests of all people of the world, they threaten with degradation and death to all mankind. The majority of problems which today we connect with global problems of the present, accompanied mankind throughout all its history.

First of all, it is necessary to carry to them:

· problem of a preservation of peace on Earth;

· environmental problems;

· preservation of peace;

· overcoming of poverty, hunger, illiteracy;

· food problem;

· population problem.

Also it is only small list of all modern signs of world crisis. All difficulties of mankind were weaved into one confused ball - one problem supplements another and can't exist without it.

global problem nature philosophical

Origin and essence of global problems

Now an increasing number of philosophers, sociologists, historians incline to think that at the present stage of development of humanity the uniform civilization on all planets is formed. Acceleration of this idea in science and public consciousness promoted understanding of globalization of social and cultural processes in the modern world.

What it is necessary to understand as the term globalization of social and cultural processes? The etymological term "globalization" is connected with the Latin term "globe" - that is Earth, the Globe and means all-planetary nature of these or those processes. However globalization of processes is not only their ubiquity, not only that they cover all globe. Globalization is connected, first of all, with internationalization of all public work on Earth. This internationalization means that in present period all mankind is included into uniform system of welfare, economic, political and other relations, interactions and the relations. Thus, in present period, in comparison with last historical eras, the all-planetary unity of mankind which represents essentially new super system connected by the general destiny and shared responsibility steadily increased. Therefore scientists and philosophers consider lawful to speak about formation of a uniform civilization and need of new planetary style of thinking.

Such globalist approach is brightly found in concepts "a post of industrial society", "a technological era" American sociologists D. Bella, Z. Bzhezinsky, A. Toffler, etc. These concepts I focus attention on that fact that any technological revolution leads to profound changes not only in productive forces of society, but also in all way of life of people. Feature of the modern technological revolution connected with information of society, consists that it creates essentially new prerequisites for a universalization and globalization of human interaction. Thanks to broad development of mass media and communications, deepening of division of labor and specialization, the mankind unites in uniform sociocultural integrity. Existence of such unity dictates the requirements to mankind, as a whole, and to the individual.

The level of technical production and all human activity is higher, the there has to be an extent of development of the person, his interaction with environment, from here and new requirements to the personality above: in it high qualification, masterly mastering equipment, limit competence of the specialty have to be combined with social responsibility and moral universal values harmoniously.

However globalization of social, cultural, economic and political processes in the modern world, along with positive sides, generated a number of serious problems which received the name of "global problems of the present": ecological, demographic, political, etc. All these problems are important for the real and future mankind. The concrete analysis of each of them is included in competence of special sciences: sociology, demography, etc. Philosophers concentrate attention world outlook the sense the vital questions, consider these problems from this point of view opportunities and prospects of survival of mankind. And in this aspect the environmental problem moves to the forefront.

What is the essence of an environmental problem? Generally speaking, the essence of an environmental problem consists in distinctly found and going deep contradiction between productive activity of mankind and stability of environment of its dwelling. As the founder of the international research center "Roman club", mankind studying prospect in the face of modern global problems marked out, A. Pechchei: "The true problem of a human look at this step of its evolution consists that it was completely not capable culturally to march in step and completely to adapt to those changes which itself I made to this world".

These changes are a fruit of all cultural and converting and, first of all, productive activity of the person. The artificial environment gradually and inevitably comes on natural and absorbs it and it is one of the major factors, causing statement before mankind, an environmental problem.

In this regard special sharpness for people is gained by a problem of universal distribution in environment of productions and products, first of all, radiation and toxic types. In a year more than 20 tons of industrial and other wastes are the share of each inhabitant of Earth. More than 200 million tons of oxides of sulfur and nitrogen and million tons of the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere get to the atmosphere. And it already in the near future can cause atmosphere temperature increase, and after this, increase of level of the seas and flooding of considerable sites of land. As a result, one hundred millions people risk turning into "ecological refugees".

Global problems of the present and, first of all, sharp aggravation of an environmental problem, set for mankind the task of search of new ways of development, reorganization of the relations with environment.

Global problems

Our century became an eyelid of global problems. Global problems - it is set of the most pressing vital questions on which progress and survival of mankind depends: the ecological crisis generated by catastrophic on the consequences by invasion of the person in the biosphere; accruing exhaustion of not renewable natural resources, prompt growth of population in the poor countries and sharp falling of birth rate in the countries developed.

Now to all these troubles anthropological accident was added still: damage of a gene pool and as a result of it is emergence of the increasing number of mentally retarded and physically defective children. It is caused also by environmental pollution, including radioactive, and growth of consumption of alcohol, and destruction of the best people of society. The huge damage was caused to a gene pool by war, hunger and repressions: the first the best perished always, the most initiative, and the most talented.

Global problems are called so because there is no country in the world which they anyway wouldn't concern - and still because to solve them it is possible only by common efforts of all countries together.

The international terrorism which threatens all civilized mankind became one more global problem. Behind spikes in violence, murders of hostages, explosions of houses with people in the different countries stands, probably, the whole branched organization financed by large industrial groups or even by the whole states. Fight against the international terrorism became the most important global problem of the present, for its decision all democratic states of the world unite now.

Modern mass media became a global problem. The television and radio not only distributed information, but were also the powerful tool of cultural education of the people. But for the last 20 years in all developed countries such system of mass communication in which everything is centralized and monopolized was created.

Earlier different groups of people in the different countries could interpret the events in own way. Now all information streams exten...

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