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This is a list of problems facing society today

Тип: реферат
Категория: Социология
Overpopulation, pollution, Global Warming, Stupidity, Obesity, Habitat Destruction, Species Extinction, Religion. The influence of unemployment in America on the economy. The interaction of society with other societies, the emergence of global problems.
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This is a list of problems facing society today...

-Overpopulation - too many people; no food, water, housing, etc.

-Pollution - environmental damages

-Global Warming - chlorofluorocarbons, etc.

-War - people killing each other for bad reasons

-Stupidity - general population becoming less concerned with education

-Obesity/Disease - people dying from poor decisions or bad luck

-Habitat Destruction - people destroy nature to make room for more people

-Species Extinction - above practices causing diversity of life to diminish

-Religion - People believe many conflicting ideas

Are these all problems? Some conflict (overpopulation, disease killing people). What are your thoughts? What are other major "problems"?

All of the "Good" that has happened recently, is perhaps one of the main factors of the sharp population increase, which then becomes our worst problem on earth.

Strangely, a nihilist once said: "our greatest strength is our greatest weakness".

This philosophy definitely applies to our population issues, though the comment was originally directed at the abstract thought capability of our "higher intelligence". The better we get at reproducing and surviving, the more screwed we are globally! Аs an over populating species.

Social problems affect every society, great and small. Even in relatively isolated, sparsely populated areas, a group will encounter social problems. Part of this is due to the fact that any members of a society living close enough together will have conflicts. It's virtually impossible to avoid them, and even people who live together in the same house don't always get along seamlessly. On the whole, though, when social problems are mentioned they tend to refer to the problems that affect people living together in a society.

The list of social problems is huge and not identical from area to area. In the US, some predominant social issues include the growing divide between rich and poor, domestic violence, unemployment, pollution, urban decay, racism and sexism, and many others. Sometimes social issues arise when people hold very different opinions about how to handle certain situations like unplanned pregnancy. While some people might view abortion as the solution to this problem, other members of the society remain strongly opposed to its use. In itself, strong disagreements on how to solve problems create divides in social groups.

Other issues that may be considered social problems that aren't common in the US and other industrialized countries, but they are huge problems in developing ones. The issue of massive poverty, food shortages, lack of basic hygiene, spread of incurable diseases, ethnic cleansing, and lack of education inhibits the development of society. Moreover, these problems are related to each other and it can seem hard to address one without addressing all of them.

It would be easy to assume that a social problem only affects the people whom it directly touches, but this is not the case. Easy spread of disease for instance may tamper with the society at large, and it's easy to see how this has operated in certain areas of Africa. The spread of AIDs for instance has created more social problems because it is costly, it is a danger to all members of society, and it leaves many children without parents. HIV/AIDs aren't a single problem but a complex cause of numerous ones. Similarly, unemployment in America doesn't just affect those unemployed but affects the whole economy.

It's also important to understand that social problems within a society affect its interaction with other societies, which may lead to global problems or issues. How another nation deals with the problems of a developing nation may affect its relationship with that nation and the rest of the world for years to come. Though the United States was a strong supporter of the need to develop a Jewish State in Israel, its support has come at a cost of its relationship with many Arabic nations.

Additionally, countries that allow multiple political parties and free expression of speech have yet another issue when it comes to tackling some of the problems that plague its society. This is diversity of solutions, which may mean that the country cannot commit to a single way to solve an issue, because there are too many ideas operating on how to solve it. Any proposed solution to something that affects society is likely to make some people unhappy, and this discontent can promote discord. On the other hand, in countries where the government operates independently of the people and where free speech or exchange of ideas is discouraged, there may not be enough ideas to solve issues, and governments may persist in trying to solve them in wrongheaded or ineffective ways.

The very nature of social problems suggests that society itself is a problem. No country has perfected a society where all are happy and where no problems exist. Perhaps the individual nature of humans prevents this and as many people state, perfection many not be an achievable goal.

Humanities main problem is overpopulation. There has to be someway to control population. I think that nature has continuously thrown disasters at us to lower our numbers. Through global weather change, nature will destroy many lives and ultimately reduce the population. Diseases, killing own environment, and even self-interest and greed of humans may also be programmed into nature. Perhaps stupidity arises from the surplus of organisms (that is us).

The question is whether or not nature will ever catch up to our growth. What is stupid is believing that we are separate from Nature. Our greed is Natures greed. Nature is just trying out Insanity for a while, to see what happens next...See if it can 'cure' itself, or if not 'cleanse' itself, and start again with another toy...

-Global Warming - chlorofluorocarbons, etc.

Most of these are through emissions of waste products; however, resolving this issue can never be done. Because in the end, all Work will end up producing heat, and as long as we produce more heat then that we can radiate off into space, the globe will heat up.

-Stupidity - general population becoming less concerned with education.

Also true, nobody is interested in education because they are mentally stimulated to not be interested. A few have the power and with that resources and they will try to keep all competitors down. This is done through media and politics.

-Habitat Destruction - people destroy nature to make room for more people.

That is money, it costs more work/money/time to adapt to the environment than that it costs to adapt the environment to your cheapest solution.

-Religion - People believe many conflicting ideas.

Organized religion is bad. It boils down to having a select few deciding what and how to think and act. And since these select few want to have most resources available to them, they want to stay in power, thus they will keep their subordinates uneducated and discourage or even punish any thought that goes against their issued believes. Having multiple religions being indoctrinated different things does not help either. The only solution is education based on a strict principle and giving people the basic knowledge to examine all things themselves and make up their own mind, but try and prevent them to organize and have a few of them rule others with their ideas.

Allow some people on Earth, who do not want to stay here, to be able to relocate from or off of Earth? Is they either don't like it here, or want to be transferred anyway?

global problem society

Список проблем, стоящих перед обществом сегодня:

-Перенаселение - слишком много людей, без еды, воды, жилья и т.д.

-Загрязнение - ущерб окружающей среде

-Глобальное потепление - хлорфторуглероды, и т.д.

-Война - люди убивают друг друга по разным причинам

-Глупость - население в целом становится все менее образованным

- Ожирение /болезни - Люди умирают от неверного решения или невезения

-Разрушение среды обитания - люди разрушают природу, чтобы освободить место для большего количества людей

-Вымирание видов - известно, что редкие виды уменьшаются

-Религия - Люди верят и существует много противоречивых идей

Все ли это проблемы? Ещё конфликты (перенаселенность, болезни людей, убийства). Каковы ваши мысли? Какие другие основные «проблемы»?

Все то, что мы считаем "хорошо", произошедшее в последнее время, является, пожалуй, одним из главных факторов резкого прироста населения, которое затем становится нашей самой большой проблемой на Земле.

Как ни странно, нигилист однажды сказал: «наша сила наша величайшая слабость".

Эта философия, безусловно, относится и к нашим проблемам населения, хотя комментарий был первоначально направлен на абстрактную возможность мысли о нашем "высшем разуме". Чем больше мы получаем для выживания, тем более глобальным становится наше положение! Мы словно перенаселяющий вид.

Социальные проблемы затрагивают вс...

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