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Основы английского языка

Тип: контрольная работа
Категория: Иностранные языки
Министерство образования Российской ФедерацииИнститут дистанционного образованияГОУ ВПО «Тюменский государственный университет»Контрольная работапо дисциплине: «Иностранный язык»УК (220501.65)/3. сокращеннаяВыполнил студент Петренко Н.В.Нижневартовск 2010Ответьте письменно на вопросы
  • What does the decision to make a new product usually involves?
  • The decision to make a new product usually involves changing equipment and altering layout of an existing factory, or constructing a new production facility.2. What factors does a company have to take into consideration when it decides where to locate its plant?It has to take into consideration the efficiency of the region’s infrastructure, including telecommunications, and road and rail transport; its utilities – the supply of energy and so on; the cost of land and construction; and local tax rates.3. Do transport costs and time constraints make it logical to produce close to the customer?Yes they do.4. What is the negative effect of having insufficient production capacity?When there is strong market growth insufficient capacity, leading to a long lead time and slow service, may cause customers to go to other suppliers, and allow competitors to enter the market. Furthermore, lost sales and lost market share tend to be irreversible.5. What external and internal considerations can affect capacity?Capacity can be affected by external considerations such as government regulations concerning working hours, safety, pollution levels, and so on, trade union agreements, and the capabilities of suppliers. There are also internal considerations such as the training and motivation of the personnel, the capabilities and reliability of the equipment, the control of materials and quality, and the capabilities of the management.6. Why does producing in large quantities lower production costs?Producing in large quantities allows a firm to take advantage of quantity discounts in purchasing, and lowers the average fixed cost per unit produced, as each succeeding unit absorbs part of the fixed costs, giving economies of scale.7. There are no disadvantages to having large-scale facilities, are there?No there are not.8. What is a plant’s ideal capacity?A plant’s ideal capacity is very likely not maximum capacity – e.g. operating 24 hours a day, with three shifts of workers – as this may be inefficient in terms of higher labour costs (shiftwork or overtime payments), higher maintenance expenses, and so .Соединив слова из левой и правой колонок, образуйте словосочетания, все из которых встречаются в первом абзаце текста. Переведите их на русский язык1b)production facility- производственное оборудование2a) rail transport – железнодорожная перевозка3e) tax rates- размер налога4c) labour skills- квалифицированная рабочая сила5f) lead time- время выполнения заказа6g) Transport costs- стоимость транспортировки (транспортные расходы)7d) time constraints- сроки; временные ограниченияНайдите в последующих абзацах текста английские эквиваленты следующим словосочетаниям на русском языке1. ожидаемый спрос- expected
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