John T. Hansen - Netter's Clinical Anatomy: with Online Access, 3rd Edition

Netter's Clinical Anatomy: with Online Access, 3rd Edition
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Описание: Netter's Clinical Anatomy, 3rd Edition is a Clinical Anatomy textbook you will actually "read." A concise, focused and manageable medical reference textbook for your busy lives! The uniquely aesthetic and memorable Netter-style illustrations-accompanied by descriptive text and tables-help you to visually grasp and focus on the most relevant clinical implications of anatomical concepts. Multiple-choice review questions at the end of each chapter plus online access to the complete text-with additional Clinical examples and study questions-result in a thorough but quick introduction to basic and clinical anatomy as well as a fast review source-the perfect supplement to your course's syllabus, lectures, conferences and labs.
Книги автора
John T. Hansen, John T. Hansen, John T. Hansen, John T. Hansen
John T. Hansen, PhD and Bruce M. Koeppen, MD, PhD; illustrations by Frank H. Netter
John T. Hansen, John T. Hansen, Frank Henry Netter, David R. Lambert (MD.), John T. Hansen, Frank Henry Netter, David R. Lambert (MD.), John T. Hansen