Tasha Lee - Healing Diabetes with Fruit (Black & White): Ex-Type 2s on a Fruit-Based Diet

Healing Diabetes with Fruit (Black & White): Ex-Type 2s on a Fruit-Based Diet
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These honest and vulnerable interviews give the reader a thorough understanding of what is involved in becoming an ex-type 2 diabetic. My name is Tasha Lee. I have had type 1 diabetes for 25 years. Since my diagnosis, I have regularly visited endocrinologists and received a thorough diabetes education from practitioners of traditional medicine. I have read diabetes books, magazines, and websites; I have participated in diabetes camps, support groups, and online forums. Suffice it to say, I understand the popular approaches to management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. By “going against the grain” and transitioning to a fruit-based diet and healthy lifestyle, I personally have made significant improvements in insulin sensitivity, blood sugar control, and overall health. Unlike so many others, I don\'t see fruit as \"the bad guy\" when it comes to diabetes. On the contrary, following a fruit-based diet has allowed me to have the best diabetes management of my life. I wouldn\'t wish diabetes on anyone, and to find out that type 2 could be healed--and rather quickly--on a low-fat, plant-based diet, I was ecstatic! I wanted to share this hope with the world. I am so blessed to have met these five individuals willing to share their diabetes reversal stories in this book. I can\'t wait for you to be blessed, and your life changed by them, as well.