Ольга Чупрына, Наталья Паршина - Cross-Cultural Communication: All You Need To Know: Textbook on Cross-Cultural Communication

Ольга Чупрына, Наталья Паршина - Cross-Cultural Communication: All You Need To Know: Textbook on Cross-Cultural Communication
Cross-Cultural Communication: All You Need To Know: Textbook on Cross-Cultural Communication
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The book aims to prepare everyone who speaks English as a foreign language to participate in cross-cultural communication. The book is a theoretical overview of the main aspects of cross-cultural communication, which is supplied with practical examples of cross-cultural communication. It also contains linguistic and cultural information, which will facilitate effective communication with representatives of the British linguistic and cultural community.
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Группа авторов
Ilisa Barbash, Lucien Taylor, Daan Frenkel, Berend Smit, Ilisa Barbash
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