Винифред Георг Зебальд - Rings Of Saturn

Винифред Георг Зебальд - Rings Of Saturn
Rings Of Saturn
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The Rings of Saturn begins as the record of a journey on foot through coastal East Anglia. From Lowestoft to Bungay, Sebald's own story becomes the conductor of evocations of people and cultures past and present: of Chateaubriand, Thomas Browne, Swinburne and Conrad, of fishing fleets, skulls and silkworms. The result is an intricately patterned and haunting book on the transience of all things human.
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Винифред Георг Зебальд
Винифред Георг Зебальд
Винифред Георг Зебальд
Винифред Георг Зебальд
Винифред Георг Зебальд
Винифред Георг Зебальд