Scott Snyder, Becky Cloonan, Francesco Francavilla, Jason Aaron, Jeff Lemire, Gail Simone, Gabriel Ba, Fabio Moon, Грег Рука - American Vampire: Volume 6

Scott Snyder, Becky Cloonan, Francesco Francavilla, Jason Aaron, Jeff Lemire, Gail Simone, Gabriel Ba, Fabio Moon, Грег Рука - American Vampire: Volume 6
American Vampire: Volume 6
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From the plains of Nebraska to the streets of Las Vesas... from the deserts of New Mexico to the snows of Canada... from the hotspots of Harlem to the underbelly of Portland... from the tribes who first called this continent home to the stars who inhabit the silver screen... vampires - and the men and women who risk their lives and souls t hunt them - are the American dream's nightmarish shadow. The undead have endless stories to tell. And once those stories sink their teeth into you, you'll never shake them off...Книга-комикс.
Книги автора
Brian Wood, Rick Veitch, Brian Azzarello, Билл Вилингэм, Майк Кэри, Matthew Sturges, Simon Oliver, Jason Aaron, Дж. Уиллоу Уилсон
Scott Snyder, Becky Cloonan, Francesco Francavilla, Jason Aaron, Jeff Lemire, Gail Simone, Gabriel Ba, Fabio Moon, Грег Рука
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Scott Snyder, Becky Cloonan, Francesco Francavilla, Jason Aaron, Jeff Lemire, Gail Simone, Gabriel Ba, Fabio Moon, Грег Рука