Hank Lancet, Hank Lancet - Target: JackAce

Hank Lancet, Hank Lancet - Target: JackAce
Target: JackAce
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 Most books about poker are written either by experts or from an expert's point of view. The rest of the books are written for beginners on how to survive and compete against grinders at the $1-$2 or similarly low stakes no-limit (NL) tables. This book fits in neither category, for I am no expert, and this book doesn't aim to teach you to become a consistent winner at the low stakes tables. Rather, it's a book geared to give insight into one of the most frustrating types of players to have at your table: the JackAce. Some call him a maniac. Some call him a donkey. He's loose and his chips go all over the place. Often, he seems like a luckbox fish. You can't get a read on him. Since he seems to win big but also lose big with no sense of consistency, his style is largely ignored. Rather, he is discussed as a player to "be careful" around. I am a JackAce, and this book will give you insight into my style of play not because it's so awesome, but rather because it will clue you in on how to deal with someone like me at your table. It only costs a big blind or two, well worth it if you can take advantage of the advice within.
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Hank Lancet, Hank Lancet
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