Dean E. Brown, Dean E Brown, Dean E. Brown - The Manager Meets It

Dean E. Brown, Dean E Brown, Dean E. Brown - The Manager Meets It
The Manager Meets It
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The IT Security Axioms are the principals used to achieve understanding and new relationships. These Axioms are 5 common sense statements that allow everyone to understand the risks in the company's systems. Learning to speak in a common language between management and IT, new relationships can be created. This is not a technology book, it is a story. The story and characters are made up but the message is not. Beverly, the Founder of her company, doesn't understand the systems that she relies on, and needs to come to terms with an outage. Evelyn the IT Consultant introduces Beverly to the IT Security Axioms. Jerome the IT Manager learns to speak in terms that everyone can understand as well as document the company systems. Stronger relationships emerge as trust and understanding are developed.
Книги автора
Dean E. Brown, Dean E Brown, Dean E. Brown