Vito Tanzi - Fiscal Policy in Open Developing Economies

Vito Tanzi - Fiscal Policy in Open Developing Economies
Fiscal Policy in Open Developing Economies
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Based on papers presented at the 44th Congress of the international Institute of Public Finance, this book, edited by Vito Tanzi, deals with public finance and macroeconomic policy in open, developing economies, with case studies of Chile, Mexico, Turkey, Korea, and the Arab oil exporting countries.
Книги автора
Anupam Basu, Dhaneshwar Ghura, Evangelos A. Calamitsis, Catherine A. Pattillo, Andrew Berg, Thomas A. Wolf, Emine Gürgen, Howell H. Zee, Vito Tanzi
Howell H. Zee, Vito Tanzi, Vito Tanzi, Catherine A. Pattillo, Andrew Berg, Thomas A. Wolf, Emine Gürgen, Hamid Reza Davoodi, David A. Grigorian
Vito Tanzi, Vito Tanzi, Vito Tanzi
Mr. Vito Tanzi, Vito Tanzi, Vito Tanzi, International Monetary Fund
Vito Tanzi, Richard Miller Bird, Robert D. Ebel, Christine Wallich, Bank for International Settlements. Monetary and Economic Dept