Различные авторы - Doctor Who Classic 656 books / Классический Доктор Кто 656 книг

 Различные авторы - Doctor Who Classic 656 books / Классический Доктор Кто 656 книг
Различные авторы - Doctor Who Classic 656 books / Классический Доктор Кто 656 книг
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Классический Доктор Кто 656 книг / Doctor Who Classic 656 books
Год выпуска: 1966-2013 гг.
Автор: Различные авторы
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Описание: Доктор Кто (англ. Doctor Who) – британский научно-фантастический телесериал компании BBC о загадочном инопланетном путешественнике во времени, известном как «Доктор». Вместе со своими спутниками он исследует время и пространство, попутно решая разные проблемы и восстанавливая справедливость. Классические серии выходили с 1963 по 1989 гг. Наряду с сериалом существуют множество книг о вселенной Доктора Кто. Они поделены на серии.
Серия Target – эти книги выпущены одноименным издательством и являются литературным пересказом вышедших серий. Выпущено 156 книг с 1973 по 1994 гг.
Серия Virgin New Adventures (NA) – романы о приключениях Седьмого Доктора, которые зрители никогда не видели на экранах, изданные компанией «Вёрджин» (Virgin). Выпущена 61 книга с 1991 по 1997 гг.
Серия Virgin New Adventures - Bernice Summerfield (NA-BS) – продолжение предыдущей серии со спутницей Седьмого Доктора Бернис Саммерфилд в главной роли. Выпущено 23 книги с 1997 по 1999 гг.
Серия Virgin Missing Adventures (MA) – в серии «Пропущенные приключения», как следует из названия, рассказывается о пропущенных (т.е. не показанных по телевидению) приключениях предыдущих Докторов. Выпущено 33 книги с 1994 по 1997 гг. + книга «Who Killed Kennedy» («Кто убил Кеннеди», 1996), которую не относят к данной серии.
Серия Eighth Doctor Adventures (EDA) – книги издательства ВВС, в которых повествуется о приключениях главным образом Восьмого Доктора. Выпущено 73 книги с 1997 по 2005 гг. + новеллизация фильма «Доктор Кто» (1996).
Серия Past Doctor Adventures (PDA) – своеобразное продолжение серии «Пропущенные приключения» от издательства BBC books. Выпущено 76 книг с 1997 по 2005 гг. В 2012 г. серия была возрождена.
Серия Telos Novellas (TEL) – книги издательства Telos Publishing Ltd. по мотивам сериала. Выпущено 15 книг с 2001 по 2004 гг.
Серия Handbooks – своеобразные «справочники» о Докторах с Первого до Седьмого, каждый из которых состоит из трех разделов: фрагменты интервью, подробное описание каждого эпизода и события, происходившие на съемочной площадке и за ее пределами.
Серия The Missing Episodes – 3 книги, выпущенные издательством «Таргет» (Target) в 1989-90 гг. Являются новеллизациями сценариев историй для 23 сезона сериала, которые так и не были сняты.
Серия The Companions – книги, главными героями которых были спутники Доктора. Из-за проблем с лицензией издательством «Таргет» было выпущено только 3 романа в 1986-87 гг.
Серия Virgin Decalog – сборники рассказов, опубликованные компанией «Вёрджин» в период с 1994 по 1996 гг. Выпущено 3 сборника. Сборники «Decalog 4: Re-Generations» и «Decalog 5: Wonders», выпущенные в 1997 г., не содержат упоминаний о Докторе и его спутниках из-из проблем с авторскими правами.
Fan Novelizations (TSV) – неофициальные новеллизации серий от новозеландского фан-клуба «Доктора». Всего было опубликовано 5 книг с 1989 по 2000 гг. Некоторые книги переиздавались несколько раз.
Серия BBC Books & Short Trips (ST) – книги, выпускаемые издательствами BBC Books и Big Finish Productions. В общей сложности выпущено 32 книги с 1998 по 2009 гг.
Серия The Adventures of K9 – серия из четырех иллюстрированных книг в мягкой обложке, написанная Дэвидом Мартином и выпущенная издательством Sparrow Books в 1980 г. Книги были написаны в связи с запланированным, но так и не вышедшим на телеэкраны мультсериалом про К9.
Bernice Summerfield (BS) - книги, выпускаемые Big Finish Productions, которые повествуют о приключениях спутницы Седьмого Доктора - Бернис Саммефилд. По состоянию на январь 2013 г. выпущено 13 сборников историй и 11 новелл.
Iris Wildthyme - книги и рассказов о Ирис Уайлдтхэйм. Издательством Obverse Books было выпущено 7 книг с 2009 по 2012 гг., издательством Snowbooks Ltd. - 2 книги в 2011-12 гг., Big Finish Productions - 1 книга в 2005 г.
Doctor Who: The Scripts - сценарии некоторых серий, выпущенные издательством Titan Books. Всего было опубликовано 10 книг с 1988 по 1994 гг.
Puffin Eshorts: 50th Anniversary - серия рассказов от издательства Puffin Eshorts, выпущенная к 50-летию сериала "Доктор Кто". Истории в мягкой обложке выпускались 23 числа каждого месяца и посвящены приключению одного из Докторов.
StoryBundle - книги с сайта StoryBundle.com, собранные к 50-летию сериала.
Faction Paradox - Книги о Фракции Парадокс. Издательствами Mad Norwegian Press, Random Static и Obverse Books в общей сложности было выпущено 14 книг в период с 2002 по 2013 гг. Книги продолжают выходить.
Доп. информация:
- Все книги представлены в формате PDF на английском языке и рассортированы по сериям!
- Книга «Who Killed Kennedy» («Кто убил Кеннеди», 1996) находится в папке «Серия Virgin Missing Adventures (MA)».
- Новеллизация фильма «Доктор Кто» (1996) находится в папке «Серия Eighth Doctor Adventures (EDA)».
- В папке «Other» находятся книги, не входящие ни в одну из серий.
Список книг
1. Серия Target
1 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Abominable Snowmen - 21 November 1974
2 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Android Invasion - 16 November 1978
3 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Androids of Tara - 24 April 1980
4 - Ian Marter - Doctor Who and the Ark in Space - 10 May 1977
5 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Armageddon Factor - 26 June 1980
6 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Auton Invasion - 17 January 1974
7 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Brain of Morbius - 23 June 1977
8 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Carnival of Monsters - 20 January 1977
9 - Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who and the Cave Monsters - 17 January 1974
10 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Claws of Axos - 21 April 1977
11 - David Fisher - Doctor Who and the Creature from the Pit - 15 January 1981
12 - David Whitaker - Doctor Who and the Crusaders - 2 May 1973
13 - Brian Hayles - Doctor Who and the Curse of Peladon - January 1975
14 - Gerry Davis - Doctor Who and the Cybermen - 20 February 1975
15 - Barry Letts - Doctor Who and the Dæmons - 17 October 1974
16 - David Whitaker - Doctor Who and the Daleks - 2 May 1973
17 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Dalek Invasion of Earth - 24 March 1977
18 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks - April 1974
19 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Deadly Assassin - 20 October 1977
20 - Terrance Dicks - Death to the Daleks - 20 July 1978
21 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Destiny of the Daleks - 20 November 1979
22 - Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who and the Dinosaur Invasion - 19 February 1976
23 - Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who and the Doomsday Weapon - April 1974
24 - Ian Marter - Doctor Who and the Enemy of the World - 17 April 1981
25 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Face of Evil - 19 January 1978
26 - Andrew Smith - Full Circle - 16 September 1982
27 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Genesis of the Daleks - 22 July 1976
28 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Giant Robot - 13 March 1975
29 - Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who and the Green Death - 21 August 1975
30 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Hand of Fear - 18 January 1979
31 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Horns of Nimon - 16 October 1980
32 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Horror of Fang Rock - 30 March 1978
33 - Brian Hayles - Doctor Who and the Ice Warriors - 18 March 1976
34 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Image of the Fendahl - 26 July 1979
35 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Invasion of Time - 21 February 1980
36 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Invisible Enemy - 29 March 1979
37 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Keeper of Traken - 20 May 1982
38 - Philip Hinchcliffe - Doctor Who and the Keys of Marinus - 21 August 1980
39 - David Fisher - Doctor Who and the Leisure Hive - 22 July 1982
40 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Loch Ness Monster - 15 January 1976
41 - Christopher H. Bidmead - Logopolis - 21 October 1982
42 - Philip Hinchcliffe - Doctor Who and the Masque of Mandragora - 8 December 1977
43 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Monster of Peladon - 4 December 1980
44 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Mutants - 29 September 1977
45 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Nightmare of Eden - 21 August 1980
46 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Planet of the Daleks - 21 October 1976
47 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Planet of Evil - 18 August 1977
48 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Planet of the Spiders - 16 October 1975
49 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Power of Kroll - 26 May 1980
50 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Pyramids of Mars - 16 December 1976
51 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Revenge of the Cybermen - 20 May 1976
52 - Ian Marter - Doctor Who and the Ribos Operation - 11 December 1979
53 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Robots of Death - 24 May 1979
54 - Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils - 17 October 1974
55 - Philip Hinchcliffe - Doctor Who and the Seeds of Doom - 17 February 1977
56 - Ian Marter - Doctor Who and the Sontaran Experiment - 7 December 1978
57 - Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who and the Space War - 23 September 1976
58 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the State of Decay - 14 January 1982
59 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Stones of Blood - 20 March 1980
60 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Sunmakers - 18 November 1982
61 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Talons of Weng-Chiang - 15 November 1977
62 - Gerry Davis - Doctor Who and the Tenth Planet - 19 February 1976
63 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Terror of the Autons - 15 May 1975
64 - Terrance Dicks - The Three Doctors - 20 November 1975
65 - Terrance Dicks and Robert Holmes - Doctor Who and the Time Warrior - 29 June 1978
66 - Gerry Davis - Doctor Who and the Tomb of the Cybermen - 18 May 1978
67 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Underworld - 24 January 1980
68 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and An Unearthly Child - 15 October 1981
69 - Eric Saward - Doctor Who and the Visitation - 19 August 1982
70 - Malcolm Hulke - Doctor Who and the War Games - 25 September 1979
71 - Stephen Gallagher as John Lydecker - Doctor Who and Warriors' Gate - 15 April 1982
72 - Terrance Dicks - Doctor Who and the Web of Fear - 19 August 1976
73 - Bill Strutton - Doctor Who and the Zarbi - 2 May 1973
74 - Peter Grimwade - Time-Flight - 15 April 1983
75 - Terrance Dicks - Meglos - 5 May 1983
76 - Christopher H. Bidmead - Castrovalva - 16 June 1983
77 - Terrance Dicks - Four to Doomsday - 21 July 1983
78 - Ian Marter - Earthshock - 18 August 1983
79 - Stephen Gallagher as John Lydecker - Terminus - 15 September 1983
80 - Terrance Dicks - Arc of Infinity - 20 October 1983
81 - Terrance Dicks - The Five Doctors - 24 November 1983
82 - Peter Grimwade - Mawdryn Undead - 12 January 1984
83 - Terrance Dicks - Snakedance - 3 May 1984
84 - Terrance Dicks - Kinda - 15 March 1984
85 - Barbara Clegg - Enlightenment - 24 May 1984
86 - Ian Marter - The Dominators - 19 July 1984
87 - Terrance Dicks - Warriors of the Deep - 16 August 1984
88 - John Lucarotti - The Aztecs - 20 September 1984
89 - Terrance Dicks - Inferno - 18 October 1984
90 - Gerry Davis - The Highlanders - 15 November 1984
91 - Christopher H. Bidmead - Frontios - 10 December 1984
92 - Terrance Dicks - The Caves of Androzani - 14 March 1985
93 - Peter Grimwade - Planet of Fire - 14 February 1985
94 - John Lucarotti - Marco Polo - 11 April 1985
95 - Eric Pringle - The Awakening - 13 June 1985
96 - Terrance Dicks - The Mind of Evil - 11 July 1985
97 - Donald Cotton - The Myth Makers - 12 September 1985
98 - Ian Marter - The Invasion - 10 October 1985
99 - Terrance Dicks - The Krotons - 14 November 1985
100 - Robert Holmes - The Two Doctors - 5 December 1985
101 - Donald Cotton - The Gunfighters - 9 January 1986
102 - Terrance Dicks - The Time Monster - 13 February 1986
103 - Eric Saward - The Twin Dilemma - 13 March 1986
104 - William Emms - Galaxy Four - 10 April 1986
105 - Glen McCoy - Timelash - 15 May 1986
106 - Philip Martin - Vengeance on Varos - 16 June 1988
107 - Pip and Jane Baker - The Mark of the Rani - 12 June 1986
108 - Terence Dudley - The King's Demons - 10 July 1986
109 - Ian Stuart Black - The Savages - 11 September 1986
110 - Victor Pemberton - Fury from the Deep - 16 October 1986
111 - Gerry Davis and Alison Bingeman - The Celestial Toymaker - 20 November 1986
112 - Terrance Dicks - The Seeds of Death - 4 December 1986
113 - Terence Dudley - Black Orchid - 19 February 1987
114 - Paul Erickson - The Ark - 19 March 1987
115 - Peter Ling - The Mind Robber - 16 April 1987
116 - Terrance Dicks - The Faceless Ones - 21 May 1987
117 - Glyn Jones - The Space Museum - 18 June 1987
118 - Nigel Robinson - The Sensorites - 16 July 1987
119 - Ian Marter - The Reign of Terror - 20 August 1987
120 - Donald Cotton - The Romans - 19 September 1987
121 - Terrance Dicks - The Ambassadors of Death - 1 October 1987
122 - John Lucarotti - The Massacre - 19 November 1987
123 - Ian Stuart Black - The Macra Terror - 10 December 1987
124 - Ian Marter - The Rescue - 21 January 1988
125 - Pip and Jane Baker - Terror of the Vervoids - 18 February 1988
126 - Nigel Robinson - The Time Meddler - March 1988
127 - Terrance Dicks - The Mysterious Planet - 21 April 1988
128 - Pip and Jane Baker - Time and the Rani - 5 May 1988
129 - Nigel Robinson - The Underwater Menace - 21 July 1988
130 - Terrance Dicks - The Wheel in Space - 18 August 1988
131 - Pip and Jane Baker - The Ultimate Foe - 15 September 1988
132 - Nigel Robinson - The Edge of Destruction - 20 October 1988
133 - Terrance Dicks - The Smugglers - 17 November 1988
134 - Stephen Wyatt - Paradise Towers - 1 December 1988
135 - Malcolm Kohll - Delta and the Bannermen - 19 January 1989
136 - Ian Stuart Black - The War Machines - 16 February 1989
137 - Ian Briggs - Dragonfire - 16 March 1989
138 - Eric Saward - Attack of the Cybermen - 20 April 1989
139 - Philip Martin - Mindwarp - 15 June 1989
140 - John Peel - The Chase - 20 July 1989
141 - John Peel - The Daleks' Master Plan Part I: Mission to the Unknown - 21 September 1989
142 - John Peel - The Daleks' Master Plan Part II: The Mutation of Time - 19 October 1989
143 - Kevin Clarke - Silver Nemesis - 16 November 1989
144 - Stephen Wyatt - The Greatest Show in the Galaxy - 21 December 1989
145 - Terrance Dicks - Planet of Giants - 18 January 1990
146 - Graeme Curry - The Happiness Patrol - 15 February 1990
147 - Terrance Dicks - The Space Pirates - 15 March 1990
148 - Ben Aaronovitch - Remembrance of the Daleks - 21 June 1990
149 - Marc Platt - Ghost Light - 20 September 1990
150 - Rona Munro - Survival - 18 October 1990
151 - Ian Briggs - The Curse of Fenric - 15 November 1990
152 - Marc Platt - Battlefield - 18 July 1991
153 - Victor Pemberton - The Pescatons - 15 September 1991
154 - John Peel - The Power of the Daleks - July 1993
155 - John Peel - The Evil of the Daleks - August 1993
156 - Barry Letts - The Paradise of Death - April 1994
2. Серия Virgin New Adventures (NA)
1 - John Peel - Timewyrm: Genesys - June 1991
2 - Terrance Dicks - Timewyrm: Exodus - August 1991
3 - Nigel Robinson - Timewyrm: Apocalypse - October 1991
4 - Paul Cornell - Timewyrm: Revelation - December 1991
5 - Marc Platt - Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible - February 1992
6 - Andrew Cartmel - Cat's Cradle: Warhead - April 1992
7 - Andrew Hunt - Cat's Cradle: Witch Mark - June 1992
8 - Mark Gatiss - Nightshade - August 1992
9 - Paul Cornell - Love and War - October 1992
10 - Ben Aaronovitch - Transit - December 1992
11 - Gareth Roberts - The Highest Science - February 1993
12 - Neil Penswick - The Pit - March 1993
13 - Peter Darvill-Evans - Deceit - April 1993
14 - Jim Mortimore & Andy Lane - Lucifer Rising - May 1993
15 - David A. McIntee - White Darkness - June 1993
16 - Christopher Bulis - Shadowmind - July 1993
17 - Nigel Robinson - Birthright - August 1993
18 - David Banks - Iceberg - September 1993
19 - Jim Mortimore - Blood Heat - October 1993
20 - Daniel Blythe - The Dimension Riders - November 1993
21 - Kate Orman - The Left - Handed Hummingbird - December 1993
22 - Steve Lyons - Conundrum - January 1994
23 - Paul Cornell - No Future - February 1994
24 - Gareth Roberts - Tragedy Day - March 1994
25 - Gary Russell - Legacy - April 1994
26 - Justin Richards - Theatre of War - May 1994
27 - Andy Lane - All Consuming Fire - June 1994
28 - Terrance Dicks - Blood Harvest - July 1994
29 - Simon Messingham - Strange England - August 1994
30 - David A. McIntee - First Frontier - September 1994
31 - Mark Gatiss - St Anthony's Fire - October 1994
32 - Daniel O'Mahony - Falls the Shadow - November 1994
33 - Jim Mortimore - Parasite - December 1994
34 - Andrew Cartmel - Warlock - January 1995
35 - Kate Orman - Set Piece - February 1995
36 - Daniel Blythe - Infinite Requiem - March 1995
37 - David A. McIntee - Sanctuary - April 1995
38 - Paul Cornell - Human Nature - May 1995
39 - Andy Lane - Original Sin - June 1995
40 - Dave Stone - Sky Pirates! - July 1995
41 - Gareth Roberts - Zamper - August 1995
42 - Paul Leonard - Toy Soldiers - September 1995
43 - Steve Lyons - Head Games - October 1995
44 - Ben Aaronovitch - The Also People - November 1995
45 - Terrance Dicks - Shakedown - December 1995
46 - Lance Parkin - Just War - January 1996
47 - Andrew Cartmel - Warchild - February 1996
48 - Kate Orman - SLEEPY - March 1996
49 - Dave Stone - Death and Diplomacy - April 1996
50 - Paul Cornell - Happy Endings - May 1996
51 - Craig Hinton - GodEngine - June 1996
52 - Lawrence Miles - Christmas on a Rational Planet - July 1996
53 - Kate Orman - Return of the Living Dad - August 1996
54 - Simon Bucher-Jones - The Death of Art - September 1996
55 - Russell T Davies - Damaged Goods - October 1996
56 - Ben Aaronovitch & Kate Orman - So Vile a Sin - May 1997
57 - Matthew Jones - Bad Therapy - December 1996
58 - Jim Mortimore - Eternity Weeps - January 1997
59 - Kate Orman - The Room With No Doors - February 1997
60 - Marc Platt - Lungbarrow - March 1997
61 - Lance Parkin - The Dying Days - April 1997
3. Серия Virgin New Adventures - Bernice Summerfield (NA-BS)
1 - Paul Cornell - Oh No It Isn't! - May 1997
2 - Justin Richards - Dragons' Wrath - June 1997
3 - Matthew Jones - Beyond the Sun - July 1997
4 - Dave Stone - Ship of Fools - August 1997
5 - Lawrence Miles - Down - September 1997
6 - Gary Russell - Deadfall - October 1997
7 - Simon Bucher - Jones - Ghost Devices - November 1997
8 - Terrance Dicks - Mean Streets - December 1997
9 - Christopher Bulis - Tempest - January 1998
10 - Kate Orman - Walking to Babylon - February 1998
11 - Dave Stone - Oblivion - March 1998
12 - Justin Richards - The Medusa Effect - April 1998
13 - Paul Leonard and Nick Walters - Dry Pilgrimage - May 1998
14 - Jim Mortimore - The Sword of Forever - June 1998
15 - Martin Day and Len Beech - Another Girl, Another Planet - August 1998
16 - Lance Parkin and Mark Clapham - Beige Planet Mars - October 1998
17 - Rebecca Levene and Simon Winstone - Where Angels Fear - December 1998
18 - Dave Stone - The Mary - Sue Extrusion - February 1999
19 - Lawrence Miles - Dead Romance - March 1999
20 - Justin Richards - Tears of the Oracle - June 1999
21 - Dave Stone - Return To The Fractured Planet - August 1999
22 - Justin Richards - The Joy Device - October 1999
23 - Mark Clapham and Jon de Burgh Miller - Twilight of the Gods - December 1999
4. Серия Virgin Missing Adventures (MA)
1 - Paul Cornell - Goth Opera - July 1994
2 - John Peel - Evolution - September 1994
3 - Paul Leonard - Venusian Lullaby - October 1994
4 - Craig Hinton - The Crystal Bucephalus - November 1994
5 - Christopher Bulis - State of Change - December 1994
6 - Gareth Roberts - The Romance of Crime - January 1995
7 - Barry Letts - The Ghosts of N-Space - February 1995
8 - Steve Lyons - Time of Your Life - March 1995
9 - Paul Leonard - Dancing the Code - April 1995
10 - Martin Day - The Menagerie - May 1995
11 - Justin Richards - System Shock - June 1995
12 - Christopher Bulis - The Sorcerer's Apprentice - July 1995
13 - Gary Russell - Invasion of the Cat - People - August 1995
14 - Stephen Marley - Managra - September 1995
15 - Craig Hinton - Millennial Rites - October 1995
16 - Andy Lane - The Empire of Glass - November 1995
17 - David A. McIntee - Lords of the Storm - December 1995
18 - Marc Platt - Downtime - January 1996
19 - Daniel O'Mahony - The Man in the Velvet Mask - February 1996
20 - Gareth Roberts - The English Way of Death - March 1996
21 - Christopher Bulis - The Eye of the Giant - April 1996
22 - Justin Richards - The Sands of Time - May 1996
23 - Steve Lyons - Killing Ground - June 1996
24 - Gary Russell - The Scales of Injustice - July 1996
25 - David A. McIntee - The Shadow of Weng-Chiang - August 1996
26 - Christopher Bulis - Twilight of the Gods - September 1996
27 - Paul Leonard - Speed of Flight - October 1996
28 - Gareth Roberts - The Plotters - November 1996
29 - Lance Parkin - Cold Fusion - December 1996
30 - Dave Stone - Burning Heart - January 1997
31 - Christopher Bulis - A Device of Death - February 1997
32 - David A. McIntee - The Dark Path - March 1997
33 - Gareth Roberts - The Well Mannered War - April 1997
34 - Who Killed Kennedy - David Bishop - 1996
5. Серия Eighth Doctor Adventures (EDA)
0 - Gary Russell - The Movie - May 1996
1 - Terrance Dicks - The Eight Doctors - June 1997
2 - Kate Orman and Jonathan Blum - Vampire Science - July 1997
3 - Mark Morris - The Bodysnatchers - August 1997
4 - Paul Leonard - Genocide - September 1997
5 - John Peel - War of the Daleks - October 1997
6 - Lawrence Miles - Alien Bodies - November 1997
7 - Peter Anghelides - Kursaal - January 1998
8 - Justin Richards - Option Lock - February 1998
9 - Michael Collier - Longest Day - March 1998
10 - John Peel - Legacy of the Daleks - April 1998
11 - Paul Leonard - Dreamstone Moon - May 1998
12 - Kate Orman and Jonathan Blum - Seeing I - June 1998
13 - Gary Russell - Placebo Effect - July 1998
14 - Christopher Bulis - Vanderdeken's Children - August 1998
15 - Paul Magrs - The Scarlet Empress - September 1998
16 - Trevor Baxendale - The Janus Conjunction - October 1998
17 - Jim Mortimore - Beltempest - November 1998
18 - Simon Messingham - The Face-Eater - January 1999
19 - Michael Collier - The Taint - February 1999
20 - Justin Richards - Demontage - March 1999
21 - Paul Leonard - Revolution Man - April 1999
22 - Nick Walters - Dominion - May 1999
23 - Kate Orman and Jonathan Blum - Unnatural History - June 1999
24 - David A. McIntee - Autumn Mist - July 1999
25 - Lawrence Miles - Interference: Book One (Shock Tactic) - August 1999
26 - Lawrence Miles - Interference: Book Two (The Hour of the Geek) - August 1999
27 - Paul Magrs and Jeremy Hoad - The Blue Angel - September 1999
28 - Simon Bucher - Jones and Mark Clapham - The Taking of Planet 5 - October 1999
29 - Peter Anghelides - Frontier Worlds - November 1999
30 - Stephen Cole and Natalie Dallaire - Parallel 59 - January 2000
31 - Paul Cornell - The Shadows of Avalon - February 2000
32 - Nick Walters - The Fall of Yquatine - March 2000
33 - Trevor Baxendale - Coldheart - April 2000
34 - Steve Lyons - The Space Age - May 2000
35 - Andy Lane and Justin Richards - The Banquo Legacy - June 2000
36 - Peter Anghelides and Stephen Cole - The Ancestor Cell - July 2000
37 - Justin Richards - The Burning - August 2000
38 - Steve Emmerson - Casualties of War - September 2000
39 - Paul Leonard - The Turing Test - October 2000
40 - Terrance Dicks - Endgame - November 2000
41 - Lance Parkin - Father Time - January 2001
42 - Colin Brake - Escape Velocity - February 2001
43 - Jacqueline Rayner - EarthWorld - March 2001
44 - Stephen Cole - Vanishing Point - April 2001
45 - Trevor Baxendale - Eater of Wasps - May 2001
46 - Kate Orman - The Year of Intelligent Tigers - June 2001
47 - Dave Stone - The Slow Empire - July 2001
48 - Steve Emmerson - Dark Progeny - August 2001
49 - Lloyd Rose - The City of the Dead - September 2001
50 - Simon Bucher - Jones and Kelly Hale - Grimm Reality - October 2001
51 - Lawrence Miles - The Adventuress of Henrietta Street - November 2001
52 - Paul Magrs - Mad Dogs and Englishmen - January 2002
53 - Mark Clapham - Hope - February 2002
54 - Jonathan Morris - Anachrophobia - March 2002
55 - Lance Parkin - Trading Futures - April 2002
56 - Paul Ebbs - The Book of the Still - May 2002
57 - Steve Lyons - The Crooked World - June 2002
58 - Mags L Halliday - History 101 - July 2002
59 - Lloyd Rose - Camera Obscura - August 2002
60 - Justin Richards - Time Zero - September 2002
61 - Simon Messingham - The Infinity Race - November 2002
62 - David Bishop - The Domino Effect - February 2003
63 - Nick Walters - Reckless Engineering - April 2003
64 - Paul Leonard - The Last Resort - June 2003
65 - Stephen Cole - Timeless - August 2003
66 - Simon A. Forward - Emotional Chemistry - October 2003
67 - Justin Richards - Sometime Never... - January 2004
68 - Mark Michalowski - Halflife - April 2004
69 - Jonathan Morris - The Tomorrow Windows - June 2004
70 - Martin Day - The Sleep of Reason - August 2004
71 - Trevor Baxendale - The Deadstone Memorial - October 2004
72 - Stephen Cole - To the Slaughter - January 2005
73 - Lance Parkin - The Gallifrey Chronicles - June 2005
6. Серия Past Doctor Adventures (PDA)
1 - Martin Day and Keith Topping - The Devil Goblins from Neptune - June 1997
2 - Steve Lyons - The Murder Game - July 1997
3 - Christopher Bulis - The Ultimate Treasure - August 1997
4 - Gary Russell - Business Unusual - September 1997
5 - Mike Tucker and Robert Perry - Illegal Alien - October 1997
6 - Mark Gatiss - The Roundheads - November 1997
7 - David A. McIntee - The Face of the Enemy - January 1998
8 - Jim Mortimore - Eye of Heaven - February 1998
9 - Steve Lyons - The Witch Hunters - March 1998
10 - Martin Day and Keith Topping - The Hollow Men - April 1998
11 - Terrance Dicks - Catastrophea - May 1998
12 - David A. McIntee - Mission: Impractical - June 1998
13 - Simon Messingham - Zeta Major - July 1998
14 - Justin Richards - Dreams of Empire - August 1998
15 - Chris Boucher - Last Man Running - September 1998
16 - Mike Tucker and Robert Perry - Matrix - October 1998
17 - Lance Parkin - The Infinity Doctors - November 1998
18 - Steve Lyons - Salvation - January 1999
19 - David A. McIntee - The Wages of Sin - February 1999
20 - Mark Morris - Deep Blue - March 1999
21 - Terrance Dicks - Players - April 1999
22 - Justin Richards - Millennium Shock - May 1999
23 - Mike Tucker and Robert Perry - Storm Harvest - June 1999
24 - Steve Lyons - The Final Sanction - July 1999
25 - Christopher Bulis - City at World's End - September 1999
26 - Gary Russell - Divided Loyalties - October 1999
27 - Chris Boucher - Corpse Marker - November 1999
28 - Mark Gatiss - Last of the Gaderene - January 2000
29 - Simon Messingham - Tomb of Valdemar - February 2000
30 - Paul Magrs - Verdigris - April 2000
31 - Justin Richards - Grave Matter - May 2000
32 - Dave Stone - Heart of TARDIS - June 2000
33 - Mike Tucker - Prime Time - July 2000
34 - Christopher Bulis - Imperial Moon - August 2000
35 - Jonathan Morris - Festival of Death - September 2000
36 - Peter Darvill-Evans - Independence Day - October 2000
37 - Keith Topping - The King of Terror - November 2000
38 - Craig Hinton - The Quantum Archangel - January 2001
39 - Martin Day - Bunker Soldiers - February 2001
40 - Mick Lewis - Rags - March 2001
41 - Justin Richards and Stephen Cole - The Shadow in the Glass - April 2001
42 - Peter Darvill-Evans - Asylum - May 2001
43 - Nick Walters - Superior Beings - June 2001
44 - Keith Topping - Byzantium! - July 2001
45 - David A. McIntee - Bullet Time - August 2001
46 - Chris Boucher - Psi - ence Fiction - September 2001
47 - Jon de Burgh Miller - Dying in the Sun - October 2001
48 - Gary Russell - Instruments of Darkness - November 2001
49 - Mark Michalowski - Relative Dementias - January 2002
50 - Simon A. Forward - Drift - February 2002
51 - Christopher Bulis - Palace of the Red Sun - March 2002
52 - David Bishop - Amorality Tale - April 2002
53 - Terrance Dicks - Warmonger - May 2002
54 - Stephen Cole - Ten Little Aliens - June 2002
55 - Mick Lewis - Combat Rock - July 2002
56 - Paul Saint - The Suns of Caresh - August 2002
57 - Dale Smith - Heritage - October 2002
58 - Trevor Baxendale - Fear of the Dark - December 2002
59 - Kate Orman - Blue Box - March 2003
60 - Mike Tucker and Robert Perry - Loving the Alien - May 2003
61 - Colin Brake - The Colony of Lies - July 2003
62 - Jacqueline Rayner - Wolfsbane - September 2003
63 - Terrance Dicks and Barry Letts - Deadly Reunion - November 2003
64 - Paul Cornell - Scream of the Shalka - February 2004
65 - David Bishop - Empire of Death - March 2004
66 - David A. McIntee - The Eleventh Tiger - May 2004
67 - Craig Hinton - Synthespians - July 2004
68 - Lloyd Rose - The Algebra of Ice - September 2004
69 - Simon Messingham - The Indestructible Man - November 2004
70 - Chris Boucher - Match of the Day - February 2005
71 - Barry Letts - Island of Death - July 2005
72 - Gary Russell - Spiral Scratch - August 2005
73 - Nick Wallace - Fear Itself - September 2005
74 - Terrance Dicks - World Game - October 2005
75 - Simon Guerrier - The Time Travellers - November 2005
76 - Andrew Cartmel - Atom Bomb Blues - December 2005
77 - Gareth Roberts - Shada - March 2012
78 - Stephen Baxter - Wheel of Ice - August 2012
79 - Alastair Reynolds - Harvest of Time - June 2012
7. Серия Telos Novellas (TEL)
1 - Kim Newman - Time and Relative - November 2001
2 - Dave Stone - Citadel of Dreams - March 2002
3 - Tom Arden - Nightdreamers - May 2002
4 - Keith Topping - Ghost Ship - August 2002
5 - Andrew Cartmel - Foreign Devils - November 2002
6 - Louise Cooper - Rip Tide - January 2003
7 - Mark Chadbourn - Wonderland - April 2003
8 - Simon A Forward - Shell Shock - June 2003
9 - Daniel O'Mahony - The Cabinet of Light - July 2003
10 - Jon Blum and Kate Orman - Fallen Gods - August 2003
11 - Tara Samms (pseudonym for Stephen Cole) - Frayed - October 2003
12 - Paul J. McAuley - The Eye of the Tyger - November 2003
13 - Robert Perry and Mike Tucker - Companion Piece - December 2003
14 - Iain McLaughlin - Blood and Hope - January 2004
15 - Simon Clark - The Dalek Factor - February 2004
8. Серия Handbooks
1 - David J Howe, Mark Stammers, Stephen James Walker - The First Doctor Handbook - 1994
2 - David J Howe, Mark Stammers, Stephen James Walker - The Second Doctor Handbook - 1997
3 - David J Howe and Stephen James Walker - The Third Doctor Handbook - 1996
4 - David J Howe, Mark Stammers, Stephen James Walker - The Fourth Doctor Handbook - 1992
5 - David J Howe and Stephen James Walker - The Fifth Doctor Handbook - 1995
6 - David J Howe, Mark Stammers, Stephen James Walker - The Sixth Doctor Handbook - 1993
7 - David J Howe and Stephen James Walker - The Seventh Doctor Handbook - 1998
9. Серия The Missing Episodes
1 - Graham Williams - The Nightmare Fair - 1989
2 - Wally K. Daly - The Ultimate Evil - 1989
3 - Philip Martin - Mission to Magnus - 1990
10. Серия The Companions
1 - Tony Attwood - Turlough and the Earthlink Dilemma - 1986
2 - Ian Marter - Harry Sullivan's War - 1986
3 - Terence Dudley - K-9 and Company - 1987
11. Серия Virgin Decalog
1 - Несколько авторов - Decalog 1 - Enigma - 1994
2 - Несколько авторов - Decalog 2 - Lost Properties - 1995
3 - Несколько авторов - Decalog 3 - Consequences - 1996
4 - Несколько авторов - Decalog 4 - ReGenerations - 1997
5 - Несколько авторов - Decalog 5 - Wonders – 1997
12. Fan Novelizations (TSV)
1 - Paul Scoones - Doctor Who and Shada – 2001
2 - David Bishop - Doctor Who and the Pirate Planet – 2001
3 - Jon Preddle - Revelation of the Daleks – 2000
4 - David Lawrence - Doctor Who and the City of Death – 2002
5 - Paul Scoones - Resurrection of the Daleks – 2000
13. Серия BBC Books & Short Trips (ST)
1 - Stephen Cole - Short Trips - 1998
2 - Stephen Cole - More Short Trips - 1999
3 - Stephen Cole and Jacqueline Rayner - Short Trips and Side Steps - 2000
4 - Jacqueline Rayner - Short Trips: Zodiac - December 2002
5 - Jacqueline Rayner - Short Trips: Companions - March 2003
6 - John Binns - Short Trips: A Universe of Terrors - June 2003
7 - Jacqueline Rayner - Short Trips: The Muses - September 2003
8 - John Binns - Short Trips: Steel Skies - December 2003
9 - Ian Farrington - Short Trips: Past Tense - April 2004
10 - John Binns - Short Trips: Life Science - June 2004
11 - Gary Russell - Short Trips: Repercussions - June 2004
12 - Ian Farrington - Short Trips: Monsters - August 2004
13 - John Binns - Short Trips: 2040 - October 2004
14 - Paul Cornell - Short Trips: A Christmas Treasury - December 2004
15 - David Bailey - Short Trips: Seven Deadly Sins - March 2005
16 - Ian Farrington - Short Trips: A Day in the Life - June 2005
17 - Gary Russell - Short Trips: The Solar System - September 2005
18 - Simon Guerrier - Short Trips: The History of Christmas - December 2005
19 - Jacqueline Rayner - Short Trips: Farewells - March 2006
20 - Ian Farrington - Short Trips: The Centenarian - July 2006
21 - Simon Guerrier - Short Trips: Time Signature - September 2006
22 - Nicholas Briggs with Simon Guerrier - Short Trips: Dalek Empire - December 2006
23 - Steven Savile - Short Trips: Destination Prague - May 2007
24 - Joseph Lidster - Short Trips: Snapshots - June 2007
25 - Cavan Scott & Mark Wright - Short Trips: The Ghosts of Christmas - December 2007
26 - Ian Farrington - Short Trips: Defining Patterns - March 2008
27 - Keith R.A. DeCandido - Short Trips: The Quality of Leadership - May 2008
28 - Richard Salter - Short Trips: Transmissions - July 2008
29 - Simon Guerrier - Short Trips: How The Doctor Changed My Life - September 2008
30 - Xanna Eve Chown - Short Trips: Christmas Around the World - December 2008
31 - Neil Corry - Short Trips: Indefinable Magic - March 2009
32 - Xanna Eve Chown - Re:Collections - May 2009
14. Серия The Adventures of K9
1 - David Martin - K9 and the Time Trap - 1980
2 - David Martin - K9 and the Beasts of Vega - 1980
3 - David Martin - K9 and the Zeta Rescue - 1980
4 - David Martin - K9 and the Missing Planet -1980
15. Bernice Summerfield (BS)
1 - Paul Cornell - The Dead Men Diaries - 2000
2 - Paul Cornell - A Life of Surprises - 2002
3 - Paul Cornell - Life During Wartime - 2003
4 - Simon Guerrier - A Life Worth Living - 2004
5 - Dave Stone, Paul Sutton, Joseph Lidster - A Life in Pieces - 2004
6 - Simon Guerrier - Parallel Lives - 2006
7 - Simon Guerrier - Something Changed - 2006
8 - Nick Wallace - Collected Works - 2006
9 - Jonathan Clements, Marc Piatt, Pete Kempshall - Old Friends - 2006
10 - Kate Orman, Jonathan Blum, Philip Purser-Hallard - Nobody's Children - 2007
11 - Rebecca Levene - Missing Adventures - 2007
12 - Mags L Halliday, Kelly Hale, Philip Purser-Hallard - The Vampire Curse - 2008
13 - Mark Clapham - Secret Histories - 2009
14 - Adrian Salmon - Present Danger - 2010
1 - Justin Richards - The Doomsday Manuscript - 2000
2 - Stephen Cole - The Gods of the Underworld - 2001
3 - Jacqueline Rayner - The Squire's Crystal - 2001
4 - Dave Stone - The Infernal Nexus - 2001
5 - Jacqueline Rayner - The Glass Prison - 2002
6 - Lance Parkin - The Big Hunt - 2004
7 - Mark Michalowski - The Tree of Life - 2005
8 - Ben Aaronovitch - Genius Loci - 2006
9 - Dave Stone - The Two Jasons - 2007
10 - Matthew Griffiths - The Weather on Versimmon - 2012
11 - Xanna Eve Chown - The Slender-Fingered Cats of Bubastis - 2012
12 - James Parsons, Andrew Stirling-Brown - Filthy Lucre – 2013
16. Iris Wildthyme (IW)
Книги от Obverse Books
1 - Paul Magrs and Stuart Douglas - Iris Wildthyme and the Celestial Omnibus – 2009
2 - Paul Magrs and Stuart Douglas - The Panda Book of Horror – 2009
3 - Stuart Douglas - Ms Wildthyme and Friends Investigate – 2010
4 - Stuart Douglas - Iris: Abroad – 2010
5 - Paul Magrs - The Dreadful Flap & The Sacrificial Pawn - 2011
6 - Stuart Douglas - Wildthyme in Purple - 2011
7 - Stuart Douglas - Lady Stardust - 2012
Книги от Snowbooks Ltd.
1 - Paul Magrs - Enter Wildthyme – 2010
Книги от Big Finish Productions
1 - Paul Magrs - Wildthyme on Top - 2005
Charity Stories
1 - Iris Explains – N/A
2 - Educating Mr O – N/A
3 - In the Sixties – N/A
4 - It's Raining Again – N/A
17. The Doctor Who Audio Dramas (DWADs)
01 - Daniel Shepard - Nightmare in Limbo – 2006
02 - Allen Davidson and Aaron Rowley - The Galaxy Being – N/A
03 - Robin-Mary Manseth - The Last Colony N/A
04 - Charles Danbee - David Segal Handbook –N/A
05 - Matthew Chamber - Can you best The Devil? – N/A
06 - Children Shouldn't Play With Cybermen – N/A
07 - Charles Danbee - Jeffrey Coburn Handbook – N/A
08 - John Parr - Halcyon Putrefaction – N/A
09 - Несколько авторов - Short Trips-On The Edge – N/A
10 - Thomas Himinez - 184-Legacy of the Zylons (script) – 2013
18. Puffin Eshort (PE)
01 - Eoin Colfer - A Big Hand for the Doctor - January 2013
02 - Michael Scott - The Nameless City - February 2013
03 - Marcus Sedgwick - The Spear of Destiny - March 2013
04 - Philip Reeve - The Roots of Evil - April 2013
05 - Patrick Ness - Tip of the Tongue - May 2013
06 - Richelle Mead - Something Borrowed - June 2013
07 - Malorie Blackman - The Ripple Effect - July 2013
08 - Alex Scarrow - Spore - August 2013
09 - Charlie Higson - The Beast of Babylon - September 2013
10 - Derek Landy - The Mystery of the Haunted Cottage - October 2013
11 - Neil Gaiman - Nothing O'Clock - November 2013
19. TITAN (The Scripts)
01 - Anthony Coburn, John McElroy - The Tribe of Gum – 1988
02 - Gerry Davis and Kit Pedler, John McElroy - The Tomb of the Cybermen – 1989
03 - Robert Holmes, John McElroy - The Talons of Weng-Chiang – 1989
04 - Terry Nation, John McElroy - The Daleks – 1989
05 - Anthony Coburn, John McElroy - The Masters of Luxor – 1992
06 - Robert Sloman and Barry Letts, John McElroy - The Daemons – 1992
07 - David Whitaker, John McElroy - The Power of the Daleks – 1993
08 - Marc Platt, John McElroy - The Ghost Light – 1993
09 - William Emms, John McElroy - Galaxy 4 – 1994
10 - David Whitaker, John McElroy - The Crusade - 1994
20. Biography
1 - Matthew Waterhouse - Blue Box Boy – 2010
2 - Deborah Watling - Daddy's Girl – 2010
3 - Frazer Hines - Hines Sight – 2011
4 - Jon Pertwee - I Am The Doctor – 1996
5 - Jon Pertwee - Moon Boots and Dinner Suits – 1985
6 - Michael E Briant - Who is Michael E. Briant-A Memoir by the Doctor Who Director - 2012
7 - Who on Earth is Tom Baker - An Autoiography - 1997
21. StoryBundle
1 - Barry Letts - Who & Me – 2009
2 - Earl Green - VWORP! – 2012
3 - Philip Sandifer - TARDIS Eruditorum Volume 2: Patrick Troughton – 2012
4 - Chris-Rachael Oseland - Dining with the Doctor: The Unauthorized Whovian Cookbook – 2012
5 - Nick Griffiths - Dalek I Loved You – 2013
6 - Philip Sandifer - The Best of TARDIS Eruditorum – 2013
22. The Faction Paradox
Lawrence Miles - This Town Will Never Let Us Go - 2003
Philip Purser-Hallard - Of the City of the Saved... - 2004
Kelly Hale - Erasing Sherlock - 2006
Daniel O'Mahony - Newtons Sleep - 2008
Various (Editor: Stuart Douglas) - A Romance in Twelve Parts - 2011
23. The Faction Paradox Protocols
6 скриптов (сценариев) от Lawrence Miles (2000-2003 гг.) к первому сезону аудиопостановок про Фракцию парадокс производства BBV.
22. Other
60 книг различных авторов (см. список файлов).
10.05.2014 г. - Торрент обновлен. Добавлено 33 книги.