Джонатан Моррис/Jonathan Morris - Доктор Кто (классический)/Doctor Who - Big Finish 22 - Кровавый прилив/Bloodtide

Джонатан Моррис/Jonathan Morris - Доктор Кто (классический)/Doctor Who - Big Finish 22 - Кровавый прилив/Bloodtide
Джонатан Моррис/Jonathan Morris - Доктор Кто (классический)/Doctor Who - Big Finish 22 - Кровавый прилив/Bloodtide
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Доктор Кто (классический) / Doctor Who - Big Finish 22 - Кровавый прилив/Bloodtide
Год выпуска: 2001
Автор: Джонатан Моррис (Jonathan Morris)
Исполнитель: Колин Бейкер (Colin Baker)
Жанр: фантастика
Издательство: Big Finish Productions
Язык: английский
Тип: аудиоспектакль
Аудио кодек: MP3
Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps
The prehistoric Earth is dying. Thunderclouds roll across the skies, cloaking the land in darkness. The seas crash and boil as the rain turns to acid. The remnants of the Silurian race place themselves in suspended animation, deep below the surface.
One day they will awaken and reclaim their world…
The TARDIS has landed on the Galapagos Islands, a desolate outcrop of rocks shrouded in mist and fear. In the settlement of Baquerizo Moreno, there are rumours that prisoners have been mysteriously disappearing from the gaolhouse. A fisherman has been driven insane by something he saw in the caves. And the Doctor and Evelyn are not the only new arrivals; there is also a young natural philosopher by the name of Charles Darwin…
Шестой Доктор и Эвелин в райском уголке, на Галапагосских островах.
Возвращение силурианцев на аудио.
Роли исполняют:
Доктор - Colin Baker
Эвелин - Maggie Stables
Чарльз Дарвин - Miles Richardson
капитан Фитцрой - George Telfer
Грета - Jane Goddart
и другие.
Doctor Who is about the monsters. Take the monsters out of Doctor Who and all you have is a lot of implausibly-costumed people with strange names arguing with each other. As a child, the reason I watched Doctor Who was because of the monsters. And the scarier they were, the better.
But the Silurians are a bit different. Not only are they scaly green reptiles, but they are scaly green reptiles who have a greater claim to the planet Earth than we do. Indeed, the whole premise of the Silurian race raises interesting moral and ethical question about mankind's place in nature. And that was, essentially the starting point of this story.
Before I go, a quick word about historical accuracy. None of the events depicted in this play happened, but they are nevertheless portrayed with complete accuracy.
- Jonathan Morris, march 2001Доп. информация:
аудиопьесы Big Finish с шестым Доктором
6th alone
• 48 - Davros - Lance Parkin - сентябрь 2003
6th & Peri
• 90 - Year of the Pig - Matthew Sweet - декабрь 2003
• 3 - Whispers of Terror - Justin Richards - ноябрь 1999
• 35 - …ish - Phil Pascoe - август 2002
• 86 - The Reaping - Joseph Lidster - сентябрь 2006
6th & Evelyn
• 6 - The Marian Conspiracy - Jacqueline Rayner - март 2000
• 9 - The Spectre of Lanyon Moor - Nicholas Pegg - июнь 2000
• 11 - The Apocalypse Element (Dalek Empire Part 2) - Stephen Cole - август 2000
• 22 - Bloodtide - Jonathan Morris - июль 2001
• 23 - Project: Twilight - Cavan Scott&Mark Wright - август 2001
• ... - Real Time - Gary Russell - август/сентябрь 2002
• 37 - The Sandman - Simon A. Forward- октябрь 2002
• 40 - Jubilee - Robert Shearman - январь 2003
• 43 - Doctor Who and the Pirates - Jacqueline Rayner - апрель 2003
• 45 - Project: Lazarus - Cavan Scott&Mark Wright - июнь 203
• 57 - Arrangements for War - Paul Sutton - май 2004
• 60 - Medicinal Purposes - Robert Ross - август 2004
• 78 - Pier Pressure - Robert Ross - январь 2006
• 84 - The Nowhere Place - Nicholas Briggs - июль 2006
• 100 - 100 (100 BC/ My Own Private Wolfgang/ Bedtime Story/ The 100 Days of the Doctor) - Jacqueline Rayner/ Rob Shearman/ Joseph Lidster/ Paul Cornell - сентябрь 2007
• 108 - Assassin in the Limelight - Robert Ross - май 2008
6th & Charley
• 105 - The Condemned - Eddie Robson - февраль 2008
• 111 - The Doomwood Curse - Jacqueline Rayner - август 2008
• 114 - Brotherhood of the Daleks - Alan Barnes - октябрь 2008
• ... - Return of the Krotons - Nicholas Briggs - декабрь 2008
• 116 - The Raincloud Man - Eddie Robson - декабрь 2008
• 124 - Patient Zero - Nicholas Briggs - август 2009
• 125 - Paper Cuts - Marc Platt - сентябрь 2009
• 126 - Blue Forgotten Planet - Nicholas Briggs - сентябрь 2009
• 133 - City of Spires - Simon Bovey - апрель 2010
• 134 - Wreck of the Titan - Barnaby Edwards - май 2010
• 135 - Legend of the Cybermen - Mike Maddox - июнь 2010
• 94 - I.D. & Urgent Calls - Eddie Robson - апрель 2007
6th & Mel
• 27 - The One Doctor - Gareth Roberts&Clayton Hickman - декабрь 2001
• 65 - The Juggernauts - Scott Alan Woodard - январь 2005
• 68 - Catch-1782 - Alison Lawson - апрель 2005
• 97 - The Wishing Beast & The Vanity Box - Paul Magrs - июль 2007
6th & Mel & Evelyn
• 73 - Thicker than Water - Paul Sutton - сентябрь 2005
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