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Describe and Analyze World History from 1500 to the Aftermath of the First World War

Тип: реферат
Категория: История
History is Philosophy teaching by examples. Renaissance, French Revolution and the First World War are important events in the development of the world history. French Revolution is freedom of speech. The First World War is show of the chemical weapons.
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Describe and Analyze World History from 1500 to the Aftermath of the First World War.


World History Since 1500

Spring Semester

Marina Cuzmin

ID U094N0455


  • Introduction
  • After the Age of Darkness
  • Revolution of 1789
  • The Napoleonic Era
  • The First World War
  • Conclusion


Every one realizes that History plays very important role in our life, not only because without our past we don't know the future, but also because of the knowledge and experience, that are transmitted from generation to generation. World history had been dramatically changed since the Medieval Ages. Most of the negative social factors popularly associated with the “medieval" period are poverty, warfare, religious and political persecution. And now we are living in the high developed technologic century, where the Law plays very important role, and we have the right of vote, liberty of word, individual liberty. In my opinion, in World History were many important events that have changed not only the history of countries, but the history of the whole planet Earth. For example, Renaissance had profoundly affected European intellectual life, the Age of Discovery during which intensively explored and mapped the world and this event lead to Colonialism and United States of America, Industrial revolution that brought changes in agriculture manufacturing, and transport, French Revolution was a period of radical social and political upheaval in French and European history. The First World War showed the power of the new chemical weapons of mass destruction. Also this war led to World crises and period of depression.

After the Age of Darkness

· For many centuries the Church was powerful and had control in every sphere of society. Monasteries were major conduits of civilization, preserving craft and artistic skills while maintaining intellectual culture within their schools, scriptoria and libraries. They functioned as agricultural, economic and production centers as well as a focus for spiritual life. Le Goff, Medieval Civilization (1964), p. 120 Many scandals around the Church, such as indulgency and corruption had bad influence on Church's reputation. All this things lead to displeasure of many priests. Martin Luther was one of them. He wrote Ninety-Five Theses, where he explained what many people doesn't like in the Church. Some local German churches accepted Luther's ideas. Lutheranism won enormous support and spread throughout Europe because:

· People didn't like all their money going to Rome.

· They didn't like the Italians controlling all church property. http: //en. wikipedi.org\wiki\Protestant_Reformation

After it came Reformation, but I will not mansion it.

The Renaissance is considered the start of Modern times because it is more like today. The Renaissance brought a re-examination of acceptable beliefs. World View of the Renaissance:

A New Conception of Human Beings:

Individualism: People thought it right to be themselves - the great man can shape his own destiny

Humanism; Humans are the center of the universe and the “measure of all things. ”

Well-Roundness: Humans could do well at many things: “The Renaissance Man. ”

Classicism: People revived an interest in ancient Greece and Rome. www.jcn. \humanism.html

Medieval life was kind of a dark life. In the Middle Ages, life was just a short interlude until death, and poverty was respected. The clergy were next to God. By buying indulgency a men could get easy a place in Heaven, In the Middle Ages people were seen basically as scum and God was vengeful. Their whole lives revolved around God. But with the Age of Great Discoveries people got interested in exploring the world, science, and human's beauty. The Church was against, because the more people know the dangerous they could be for the Church.

Renaissance humanists did not reject Christianity. They didn't agree with the Church's interpretation of Bible. Renaissance's authors were studying classical Latin and Greek, so they could easily translate the Bible. By doing this they find many mistakes in translating and started to conflict with the Church. But still the Church patronized many works of Renascence art. Sistine Chapel is the best-known chapel, where the greatest Renaissance artists including Michelangelo, Raphael, Bernini, and Sandro Botticelli were working at. Many of them were painting the church's walls with the plots from the Bible.

Protestants generally followed the critical views expressed by Humanists, but for additional reasons. http: //en. wikipedia.org\wiki\Humanism#Renaissence_humanism They saw classical antiquity as a golden time, not only because of the Latin literature, but because it was the early beginnings of Christianity. The intervening 1000 years Middle Age was a time of darkness, not only because of lack of secular Latin literature, but as I said before because of corruption within the Church such as Popes who ruled as kings, pagan superstitions with saints relics, celibate priesthood, and institutionalized moral hypocrisy.

Revolution of 1789

· Another important event in the world history, in my opinion is French Revolution. France had a absolutism, that means that all power belong to a king. Most of the Population was The Third Estate-98%. It was made of middle class, urban workers and peasants. They paid high taxes. Many owned the land they farmed, and the only wish that they had is a relief from taxes. What about middle class (The Bourgeoisie) was better than peasants, but they wanted more of the political power. They resented the nobles. The urban workers were powerful in Paris, but they were a small group. Revolution came because the “heads” couldn't rule as before and the lower classes couldn't live as before. French revolution characterized with:

· The fall of Bastille, were symbolic affirmations of the new order.

· On August 26 it introduced the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, proclaiming liberty, equality, the inviolability of property, and the right to resist oppression.

· Louis XVI was judged by the Convention, condemned to death for treason, and executed on January 21, 1793;

· The queen, Marie-Antoinette, was guillotined nine months later.

· Reign of Terror (19 Fructidor, year 1-9 Thermidor, year-2 [September 5, 1793 - July 27, 1794])

The French Bourgeoisie Revolution as one of the most important events in human history. Also the Revolution permanently crippled the power of the aristocracy and drained the wealth of the Church. The French Revolution ended feudalism, absolute monarchy, and the special privileged of the nobles and clergy. The Constitution guaranteed individual rights (lost during the Reign of Terror). The Bourgeoisie gained power and became the most powerful class in France. They started “Nationalism”, the love of country, instead of love for a monarch or small group. www.britannica.com\EBchecked|topic\219315|French-Revolution Outside France, the Revolution captured the imagination of the world. It had a profound impact on the Russian Revolution and its ideas were imbibed by Mao Zedong in his efforts at contrasting a communist state in China.

The Napoleonic Era

By the age of 25, Napoleon Bonaparte was the youngest general in France, and began winning victories with ragged troops who were at the point of starvation. http: //www.napoleonguide.com/leaders_napoleon. htm Napoleon was a former Jacobin, he was supporting them not because he liked all theirs ideas, but for the reason that he just had to choose somebody's side.

Napoleon was a great Leader. He balanced the budget, and established the Bank of France. He controlled prices, started public works to put people to work, and encouraged new industry. Order, security, and efficiency replaced liberty, equality, and fraternity as the slogans of the new regime. The Napoleonic Code: no privileges based on birth, freedom of religion, and government jobs went to the most qualified. http: //www.napoleonguide.com/codenap. htm Over the course of little more than a decade, the armies of France under Napoleon command fought almost every European power and got control of most of the western and central part of Europe by conquest or alliance until his disastrous invasion of Russia in 1813, where he was defeated at the Battle of Leipzig in October 1813, which led to his abdication several months later and his exile to the island of Elba. He staged a comeback known as the Hundred Days, but was again defeated at the Battle of Waterloo in present day Belgium...

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