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Colour as a linguistic and extra-linguistic phenomenon

Тип: реферат
Категория: Иностранные языки
Extra-linguistic and linguistic spheres of colour naming adjectives study. Colour as a physical phenomenon. Psychophysiological mechanisms of forming colour perception. The nuclear and peripherical meanings of the semantic field of the main colours.
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1. Extralinguistic and linguistic spheres of colour naming adjectives study. Colour as a physical phenomenon

1.2 Colour as a characteristic of an object

1.3 Psychological aspects of the focus colours

1.4 Colour as one of the basic spheres of cognition




Many aspects of our reality are apprehended by the means of colour.

Every name of the colour has its great information potential.

Due to the priority of the perceptive form of the world assimilation and the capacity of the colour to influence on the physical and emotional person state, colour is an important part of the conceptual picture of the world.

The actuality of this research is determined by the great interest of modern linguistics for the language world conceptualization research and a special emphasis to colour naming studying as the main marker of national cultures. The problems of discovering common and specific features in different linguistic world images are also important.

My research work is focused on the language colour naming concepts representation in English, Russian and European.

The object of the research is concepts, representing green, blue and red colours in English linguistic world-image.

The subject of this research is the peculiarities of linguistic representation of colour in English linguistic world-image.

The main goal of the research is to find out the main characteristics of concept function, representing green, blue and red colours in English linguistic world-image.

To achieve this goal we should solve several problems:

1) To find the place of colour naming in the conceptual picture of the world.

2) To analyze nuclear conceptual marks of the describing colour names in English language.

3) To elicit common and specific features in functioning of these colour concepts in English linguistic world-image.

The research methods were determined by specificity of the material, the goal and the particular problems solving in this research work.

In my work I used such traditional methods of research as supervision, description and evaluation.

The practical value of the research is that it helps to understand the language influence on perception of the world by the native speakers.

I consider that from the point of view of semantics object colour named adjectives have their own special qualities naming a mark through its attitude towards objects being contextually conditioned and at the same time in contrast to the classical relative adjectives that denote such a mark that can be characterized according to its intensity that allows us to compare them.

1. Extralinguistic and linguistic spheres of colour naming adjectives study

1.1 Colour as a physical phenomenon

Colour, physical phenomenon of light or visual perception associated with the various wavelengths in the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum (see Electromagnetic Radiation; Spectrum). As a sensation experienced by humans and some animals, perception of colour is a complex neurophysiological process. The methods used for colour specification today belong to a technique known as colorimetry and consist of accurate scientific measurements based on the wavelengths of three primary colours.

The human eye does not function like a machine for spectral analysis, and the same colour sensation can be produced by different physical stimuli. Thus a mixture of red and green light of the proper intensities appears exactly the same as spectral yellow, although it does not contain light of the wavelengths corresponding to yellow. Any color sensation can be duplicated by mixing varying quantities of red, blue, and green. These colours, therefore, are known as the additive primary colours. If light of these primary colours is added together in equal intensities, the sensation of white light is produced. A number of pairs of pure spectral colours called complementary colours also exist; if mixed additively, these will produce the same sensation as white light. Among these pairs are certain yellows and blues, greens and blues, reds and greens, and greens and violets.

1.2 Colour as a characteristic of an object

Colour is the most important characteristic of an object. It makes the object brighter and gives it an emotional expression.

Colour is a complicated phenomenon based on many reasons. Multicolouring from the physical point of view is made by the interaction of light and an object.

Optical paths consisting of many coloured rays is reflected or absorbed by different objects. Our eyes can see only reflected rays.

Among the physical characteristics of the colour we can name hue, lightness and saturation. Hue is the main characteristic of the colour which is expressed by the words "red", "green", "blue" and as a result it helps us to distinguish different colours. Hue depends on the length of the light wave reflecting or absorbing by an object. Except black, white and grey which are achromatic all the other colours are chromatic.

Lightness is a location of the colour on the scale from black to white. It is described by the word "dark" or `light'.

The level of chromaticity is defined by the saturation.

These physical qualities explain why a man can divide all the colours into coloured and uncoloured.

1.3 Psychological aspects of the focus colours

From the psychological point of view the categories of natural phenomena include following processes:

1) The choice of motivation. On the assumption of the motivations that can be perceived by the organs of senses, only few of them are suitable for the cognitive process (they are in the focus of attention);

2) Identity and classification. This can be reached by the means of comparision of special motivations of useful information in a man's brains;

3) Nominative. The most part of the cognitive categories were named after some indefinite categories.

Eleanor Rosch (once known as Eleanor Rosch Heider) is a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, specializing in cognitive psychology and primarily known for her work on categorization, in particular her prototype theory, which has profoundly influenced the field of cognitive psychology. Throughout her work Rosch has conducted extensive research focusing on topics including semantic categorization, mental representation of concepts and linguistics. Her research interests include cognition, concepts, causality, thinking, memory, and cross-cultural, Eastern, and religious psychology.

Eleanor Rosch was studying the psychological aspects of the focus colours. According to her research several conclusions were made:

1) Focus colours are appreciated better than the others;

2) Focus colours are kept in the recent memory longer than the others;

3) The names of focus colours are produced faster by the children [15].

1.4 Colour as one of the basic spheres of cognition

linguistic colour physical phenomenon

Being an important factor of man's life and activity the colour is a part of the world image in all the components, marked by Leontyev A.N. in the consciousness structure (material part, meaning and personal sense) [7].

Psychophysiological mechanisms of forming colour perception are mainly common for the mankind, like many other psychophysiological effects of the color.

In comparison of the material level, colour on the personal sense level always has unique meaning, forming during human's life and his activity.

Different colours have different meanings. Even in childhood a child due to his organs of the senses starts to appreciate color and other qualities of objects and denote them with the help of the language, assimilating the ways of phenomena categorization, typical for the cultural picture of the world.

In the course of time personal stable systems of meaning begin to form.

They usually function as verbal-sensitive association complexes.

Luria A.R. in his experiments that took place in Central Asia in 1931-1932, focused on discovery of cultural differences in the man intellectual activity stated that the ways of categorization and classification of colour are culturally determined[8].

At the same time Luria agreed that colour perception is a universal function[8].

But we should avoid the total opposition of cultural and universal features.

Colour as the component of the world's image can be found in all the features. It's an integral part of the subject image content and is a part of the material. Every person can feel different emotions to one colour according to his personal denotation.

Every colour has its own meaning fixed in culture and the meaning is based on the materi...

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