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Licensure ATS on the acquisition, storage, wearing gas pistols, revolvers and ammunition to them

Special self-defense, equipped substances tear and irritant. The order realization (sale) purchase, registration gas pistols and revolvers and ammunition to them. The application of special means of self defense, the charged substances tear and irritant.
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of course: "Health in the state tax service of Ukraine"

on "Licensure ATS on the acquisition, storage, wearing gas pistols, revolvers and ammunition to them"

Completed: cadet platoon PHC-54

Kozhemyako Valeriy

Check: professor

Saturday Anatoly

IRPEN 2010



1. Special self-defense, equipped substances tear and irritant

2. The order realization (sale) purchase, registration, filing and storage (wearing) gas pistols and revolvers and ammunition to them

3. The application of special means of self defense, the charged substances tear and irritant




gas pistol self defense

The formation of a new society where the dominant relationships are private property, requires, of course, and the new direction of protection of property rights of the individual as the man himself, his life, honor and dignity.

New forms of relationships create the legal framework for the protection of persons and interests, which is a good thing. But amid this appeared positive and negative effects such as increased crime, weakening of law enforcement agencies that have not kept pace with the growth processes of negativism. In such a situation the population there is a natural desire to protect themselves, including using weapons or other special equipment.

Dg. 27 Constitution of Ukraine Part 2 says: "Everyone has the right to protect their lives and health, life and health of other people from illegal encroachment." The constitutional provision is reflected in other areas of law, including the Criminal Code of Ukraine clearly states (self-defense) for human use of this institute with weapons. One way to protect the above rights include the right to possess, carry and use weapons. The right of citizens to own weapons, of course, to some extent in conflict with the right of other citizens to life and health, because it determines the potential use of these weapons against other citizens. Weapons directed against a person is not only able to put in a certain scale damage to health, but also to the life of the person against whom it is applied. So the police according to law carry a permit (issuing permits for the possession, storage of weapons) and control (check the legality of weapons possession, collecting information on cases of weapons against humans and evaluating the use of such weapons, etc.). Functions . In addition, the police keep records of weapons held by legal entities and individuals.

Legal regulation of weapons in independent Ukraine began in 1992 with the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on June 17 Resolution "On the ownership of certain types of property" and Annex № 2 to this Regulation, where it is a special order purchase citizens ownership of individual types of property. Special procedures for acquisition of property rights apply to firearms hunting shotgun and rifle, the gas pistols and revolvers and ammunition to them kitted substances tear and irritant, edged weapons and air guns at a speed of a bullet over 100 m / s and a 4.5 caliber mm. The next step in this direction was the adoption by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 12 October 1992 Regulation "On licensing system" that deals directly and control of arms trafficking. At the moment, public relations related to weapons of regulating about 89 normative - legal acts, but there are orders, letters, resolutions, and most importantly the fact that among them is the main regulation - Law of Ukraine "On Weapons", to which reference particular mistyatsya still in the "About Presidential award" nominal Zdroj Fire "from 29.04.1995, the

Background work shows that with the adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine gained new momentum to build a democratic state, the main task and the content of which is the adoption, maintenance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. This task is associated with a number of folding the solution of political, economic, social and legal problems because the real situation in the country and the society is now far from the times. Ukraine perezhynaye severe socio-economic crisis, one of the most dangerous social disaster is criminal situation. All this leads to a deterioration of living standards, the level of legal protection, the increasing number of illegal encroachments on the rights and freedoms of citizens, property, public order and public safety, law enforcement other objects, including the special disturbing crimes and other offenses related with weapons, explosive materials, narcotics, virulent, toxic substances with special needs, who through their dangerous properties removed or restricted in civil circulation.

3a these circumstances, the importance of the state and society nadastsya the effectiveness of law enforcement, in which the leading role belongs to the police. These bodies relies wide range of tasks to ensure personal security and protection of their rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, prevent and combat crime, maintain public order and public safety, protect property from unlawful acts, bringing offenders to justice and so on. The vast majority of these tasks the police perform their administrative activities, ie activities regulated administrative - legal regulations and aimed at their implementation.

Administrative activities of the interior has a complex, diverse nature and performed in many directions, using a variety of both legal and organizational content.

One of these areas is the implementation of the permit system in which controlled for the opening and operation of facilities that pose a potential danger to public order and shall state regulation of weapons of self-defense. However, the legislation in the regulation of many issues related to the implementation of this system lags behind the needs of the time, not all of its requirements are met and the practical activities of internal affairs in this area.

Analysis of problems of state regulation of weapons dedicated A.S.Matsko, I.V.Boyko, V.P.Petkov, O.S.Frolov, V.V.Polyakov, O.V.Artamonov.

Objective of the given work - a study of scientific, educational, journalistic literature, analysis of normative - legal regulations concerning permits police to acquire, store, wearing gas pistols, revolvers and ammunition to them, their practical application.

The task is to study on the basis of scientific, educational, journalistic literature regulations - regulations order permits the acquisition, carrying objects permit system (gas weapons) both physical and legal entities, conditions and rules realzatsyi facilities permit system (gas weapons) and the application of weapons.

The object of research is social relations that arise between individuals and legal entities and the state, represented by competent authority, exercising licensing system, while exercising the right to purchase, storage, carrying, use of gas weapons.

The subject of research is the gas pistols, revolvers and ammunition to them, and the order of state regulation of the rights of citizens to bear, acquiring, storing weapons Fixing the Constitution of Ukraine.

1. Special self-defense, equipped substances tear and irritant

Currently, due to the deteriorating economic situation in Ukraine and the rise of crime and the increasing number of violent crimes is becoming increasingly urgent self-defense against unlawful encroachments.

Perhaps the most effective means of self-defense is the weapon, but because the law eliminates most of the citizens of the number of potential owners: Short semiautomatic firearms (pistols and revolvers) in this situation come first self-defense kitted substances tear and irritant. The main criterion proposed to them is "short-term withdrawal of striker down" without any serious consequences for the attacker, let alone should not cause a lethal case of grievous bodily harm or irreversible changes in the human body. It is immediately mention that the result of influence of PPE on the human body depends on many factors and can not always be as "humane" as it represented firms with manufacturers advertise their products. The most widely used as PPE received toxic substances irritating (ORDD) and, at least - natural compounds that have lakrymatornym effect. I must say that toxicologists ORDD not belong to the group of chemical warfare agents, but because of their specific properties isolated into a separate group, called the West "policemen OP-gases." These substances in contact with human skin, mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, upper respiratory tract causing sharp pain, profuse tearing, which paralyzes or significantly reduces combat effectiveness rights.

ORDD usually used in the form of aerosol cans and ammunition for handguns that made recently called "gas guns", although the correctness of such title doubtful because ammo sporyadzhayutsya no gas, and chemicals that are in the crystalline state and pass in the gaseous state (perehanyayutsya) only when a shot. Gas pistols and revolvers is in principle only spray these chemicals. Because of...

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