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Treat boxes.

Вышитые сумочки из пластиковой канвы.
Stitch all 10 plastic canvas treat boxes for year-round giftgiving!
Другие файлы:

The Book of Boxes
Detailed instructions to make boxes using a variety of decoration techniques. Includes 3 simple boxes for beginners and a gallery of designs from well...

Creative Wooden Boxes from the Scroll Saw: 28 Useful & Surprisingly Easy-to-Make Projects
Readers searching for unique and interesting box projects for the scroll saw need look no further! Carole Rothman, author of the best-selling Wooden B...

Box-Making Projects for the Scroll Saw
Изготовление корбочек, шкатулок и т.д. из дерева в различных техникахThe basics of box-making are covered in this manual for the scroll saw, including...

Flower Garden Boxes
Capture the essence of floral freshness with these decorative boxes designed using 7-count plastic canvas....

Wood Magazine: Making Great Boxes
There's a myriad of ways to handcraft boxes of all sizes and shapes and these will expand your woodworking skills and explain the basics of marquetry,...