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Learning OpenCV

Gary Bradski, Adrian Kaehler
Тип: pdf

Другие файлы:

Основы технологии OpenCV
OpenCV – библиотека компьютерного зрения с открытым исходным кодом, предоставляющая набор типов данных, функций и численных алгоритмов для обработки и...

Реализация метода главных компонент с помощью библиотеки OpenCV
Метод главных компонент. Процесс распознавания. Ковариационная матрица, диагональная матрица собственных чисел. Использовании метрики Махаланобиса и Г...

Android Application Programming with OpenCV
Android Application Programming with OpenCV looks at OpenCV's Java bindings for Android and dispels mysteries such as which version of these bindings...

A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with OpenCV (Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology)
Explains the theory behind basic computer vision and provides a bridge from the theory to practical implementation using the industry standard OpenCV...

Open Networked "i-Learning": Models and Cases of "Next-Gen" Learning"
A new overall interdisciplinary framework called “i learning” integrates managerial organization and technology aspects also known as “technology enha...