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The Birdwatcher’s Guide to Global Warming

Jeff Price
Тип: PDF
Birds, by their very existence, enhance our daily lives. For many of us, it is a thrill to see the splash of a Brown Thrasher in a birdbath, or the flash of red in green woods as a tanager darts past. It is a gift of nature that such birds – which play an important role in healthy ecosystems by controlling pests, dispersing seeds, and pollinating plants – are also so beautiful and such a joy to watch. More than sixty-three million Americans are birdwatchers, injecting billions of dollars into local economies throughout the nation as they purchase birdseed, binoculars, and guidebooks and venture into outdoor environments that are made so much more welcoming by the sights and songs of birds. But, as nature’s indicators, birds are also showing signs that our environment is changing.
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