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Environment & Landscape, том 1

Тип: djvu
Категория: ДИЗАЙН

Фотоальбом образцов ландшафтного дизайна и архитектуры Южной Кореи. Представлены жилые кварталы, парки, общественные здания и сооружения и многое другое.
Другие файлы:

Sustainable Landscape Management: Design, Construction, and Maintenance
A must-have guide for anyone working with landscapes, Sustainable Landscape Management eases the transition of the landscape industry into a new era o...

Drawing the Landscape
Описание: This elegant Fourth Edition of Chip Sullivan's classic Drawing the Landscape shows how to use drawing as a path towards understanding the na...

Landscape design
Landscape design - an independent trade and the art tradition which has been carried out by Landscape designers, combining the nature and culture. Fea...

Military Geographies
Military Geographies is about how local space, place, environment and landscape are shaped by military presence, and about how wider geographies are t...

Modeling the Environment: Techniques and Tools for the 3D Illustration of Dynamic Landscapes
Описание: This full-color book offers coverage of 3D visualization tools for land planning and landscape architecture. The methods and theories presen...