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Famous journalists of the English speaking country: Benjamin Franklin
Franklin stood in the front rank of the people who built the United States. Benjamin Franklin printing business prospered from the start. Benjamin Fra...

Franklin's New Friend
Franklin has always lived in the same house in the same town, and he's grown up with the same friends. Then new neighbors move in -- the Moose family!...

Franklin Plays Hockey (A Franklin TV Storybook)
In this Franklin TV Storybook, our hero loves playing hockey, and he especially loves winning. But when Skunk joins his team, Franklin stops having fu...

Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery (2nd Edition)
Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery, Second Edition, expands on the classic text and reference written by Eric Franklin, an internationally renowned tea...

What Science Knows: And How It Knows It
In What Science Knows, the Australian philosopher and mathematician James Franklin explains in captivating and straightforward prose how science work...