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Economy of the United States of America

Тип: курсовая работа
Категория: Экономика
Socio-economic and geographical description of the United states of America. Analysis of volumes of export and import of the USA. Development and state of agroindustrial complex, industry and sphere of services as basic sectors of economy of the USA.
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Economy of the United States of America





2.1 The basis of the us economy

2.2 United States Exports

2.3 United States Imports


3.1 Productive sector

3.2 The service sector

3.3 Agriculture of USA




The USA is the economically power full country. A large share of minerals, financial and manpower resources belongs to it. That's why studying this country, its language and history we shouldn't avoid the main economic and industrial branches, their structure, and main tendencies of development.

By the end 20 century the United States of America are the largest state in the world. The country is located in all climatic belts that favours to agriculture and tourism, has more than hundred kinds of minerals. Having five percent of the world population the country extracts the fifth part of world production of copper, coal and oil. The agriculture of the United States delivers on the world market of 50 % of corn, 20 % of beef, pork, mutton, about one third of wheat. The USA - the largest world buyer (13 % of world import) and the seller (18 % of world import). And, that is characteristic for the American economy, the state enterprises can be counted on fingers (post service and the commission on nuclear researches), even airlines and telephone system in the USA are privatized. The American industry is characterized with a priority of the high technologies creating production on the basis of the high technologies.

The aim of the research is to study the main aspects of USA economy and industry, to understand its position in the World economy. And the main objectives of the studying are:

1.to describe the economic situation in the USA in the last century,

2.to describe the economic situation nowadays;

3. to single-out main brunches of industry, paying attention to the service sector and transportation service,

4.to describe agriculture of the USA.

The practical value of the research is to help to study more about the country, the language of witch we learn, with the aim of successful communication and social competence.


The United States is situated in the central part of the North American continent (except for Alaska and Hawaii). It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Pacific Ocean in the west. In the north it borders Canada and in the south it borders Mexico. The United States is the fourth largest country in the world after Russia, Canada, and China. It has an area of about 10 million square kilometers and its population is over 270 million people. The great majority of the population is English-speaking Americans. There are many ethnic groups in the United States. The largest group is Black Americans (about 12% of the population).

The US consists of 50 states and the District of Columbia. It is a special federal area where the capital of the country, Washington, is situated. The largest state is Alaska. Hawaii is one of the smallest states; it is a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean. California, New-York, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio are the most heavily populated states, and Wyoming, Vermont and Alaska are the least populated states. The largest cities are New-York, Los-Angeles, Chicago, San-Francisco and Philadelphia.

The continental part of the USA consists of 4 geographical parts: 2 highland and 2 lowland regions. The highland regions are the Appalachian Mountains in the east and the Cordillera in the west. The Appalachian Mountains are ancient, strongly destroyed mountains of no great height. The valleys between them are rich in coal. It is the oldest mountain system in the US.

Unlike the Appalachian Mountains of the east, the Cordillera is not a continuous chain. It consists of several high ranges, which are the Rocky Mountains on the east and the Sierra Nevada and the Cascade Range on the west. The Rocky Mountains are considered to be young, high, rough, and irregular in shape. Between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains there is the vast Central Plain and the Plateau of Prairies or the Great Plains.

The main rivers of the USA are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Rio Grande, the Colorado, the Columbia and the Hudson River. The five Great Lakes, between the USA and Canada, include Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario. They are all joined together by short rivers or canals, and the St. Lawrence River joins them to the Atlantic Ocean. The region around the Great Lakes is known for its changeable weather. In the west of the USA there is another lake called the Great Salt Lake.

The USA has many natural resources, such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas. The economy of the US is based upon free enterprise.

The United States is one of the few countries in the world that has no 'official' national language. The basic language spoken throughout the country is American English. The second language is Spanish.


2.1 The basis of the us economy

The American economy is described as a free enterprise system, which allows private business the freedom to operate for profit with minimum government regulation. The theoretical foundation of the American economic system was provided by Adam Smith whose economic ideas of free competition influenced the development of capitalism. From his standpoint the more people manufacture and trade the greater the competition. Competition benefits society by allowing the consumer to search for the best available product at the lowest price. Thus market forces, which Smith termed the invisible hands, control the allocation of goods while each participant in the market is seeking for his own self-interest.

Throughout the nineteen century market operated with a minimum government regulations. Since the 1930-s American capitalism has undergone a radical changes. Although a private enterprise flourishes, government regulation now exists in many areas of business ranging from product safety to labor conditions. Political conservatives complain of too much government regulation while the liberals are out for the enhance of government role in business and economy.

The country's reliance on private initiative and enterprise has produced impressive growth.

The economy of the United States today is the world's largest national economy. Its nominal GDP was estimated to be $14.3 trillion in 2009, approximately a quarter of nominal global GDP. Its GDP at purchasing power parity was also the largest in the world, approximately a fifth of global GDP at purchasing power parity. The U.S. economy also maintains a very high level of output per capita. In 2009, it was estimated to have a per capita GDP of $46,381, the 6th highest in the world. Historically, the U.S. economy has kept a stable overall GDP growth rate, a low unemployment rate, and high levels of research and capital investment funded by both national and, because of decreasing saving rates, increasingly by foreign investors. It has been the world's largest national economy since 1870 and remains the world's largest manufacturer, representing 19% of the world's manufacturing output. In 2009, consumer spending coupled with government health care spending constituted 70% of the American economy. About 30% of the entire world's millionaire population reside in the United States (in 2009).[14] Furthermore, 40% of the world's billionaires are American. The US is also home to the world's largest stock exchange, the New York Stock Exchange. It also boasts the world's largest gold reserves and the world's largest gold depository, the New York Federal Reserve Bank. The United States is also home to 139 of the world's 500 largest companies, which is almost twice that of any other country. A large contributor to the country's success has also been a very strong and stable currency. The US dollar holds about 60% of world reserves, as compared to its top competitor, the euro, which controls only about 24%.

Since the 1960s, the United States economy absorbed savings from the rest of the world. The phenomenon is subject to discussion among economists. The US is by far the most heavily invested-into country in the world, with foreign investments made in the US measuring almost $2.4 trillion, which is more than twice that of any other country. The US is also by far the largest investor in the world, with US investments in foreign countries totaling over $3.3 trillion, which is almost twice that of any other country. Like other developed countries, the United States faces retiring baby boomers that have already begun withdrawing from their Social Security accounts; however, the American population is young and growing when compared to Europe or Japan. The United States publ...

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