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How Can One Individual Effect on the Environment

Тип: эссе
Категория: Экология
Description the introductions between man and nature, polluting of the air, oceans. Analyzes problems of cities: the wastes from factories, chemical plants, electric and atomic power stations. Studying the antipollution campaigns of car corporation’s.
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How Can One Individual Effect on the Environment.

nature polluting chemical waste

Written by Ananieva Zhanna.

It's needless to say that environment is the most topical issue of all times, especially nowadays. And when politicians, heads of the countries speak about environment, the most frequently used phrase is: “Every person should do his best to improve the environmental situation. It's in the hands of every human being.” So let's consider the one person's ways of affecting on the environment.

First of all, one should begin with his own house. Everybody knows that there are some kinds of house utensils you shouldn't put into the garbage - like fluorescent lamps, some chemicals and so on because this rubbish haven't ability to decompose and can lead to pollution of the environment. And of course we shouldn't forget to be able to bring our garbage to it's destination - to the rubbish bin.

The next point is cars. I'm not trying to convince you to that every individual ought to stop using his SUV and use a bicycle as everyday kind of transport. But nowadays thanks to car corporation's interest in antipollution campaigns there are so-called “clear” cars, that drive with help of new, not so polluting oil and have new system of engines. What's more, these cars are a little cheaper, so it's double bonus. And, of course, using a bike in your holidays or not so busy working days is also a little step forward less polluted environment.

And the last, but not the least way of effecting on environment is person's everyday behavior, everyday way of life. Spitting out chewed gum, empty juice or pepsi can, breaking branches, washing car in the nearest river or lake - all these small and insignificant, unimportant acts really do some harm to the surroundings where you are living, where your children , grandchildren and grand-grand children will be living.

It's easy to think that one bad action can lead to nothing. That one thrown out cigarette-butt is just a drop in the ocean, just one of many left there, and it can't influence anything. But it's time for everybody to understand that it's not. It' wrong. One man's step towards less polluted surroundings is almost nothing. But all the steps in sum are the straight way to your unpolluted future.

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