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The uniform nature of interactions

Тип: Статья
Категория: Физика

M. Planck's hypothesis about the quantum nature of electromagnetic radiation was generalized by A.Einstein. The discrete nature he connected not with any special property of the mechanism of interaction of radiation with substance, and inwardly immanent to itself electromagnetic radiation consisting of quanta - discrete portions of photons. Attributed electromagnetic radiation with discretion, he suggested to consider each photon as the carrier of not only energy but also an impulse.

Now offered by Einstein idea of a photon is to add: the photon is the carrier of not only energy and an impulse, but it is also the carrier of the compensated electric charges. Now electromagnetic radiation gained the main lines characteristic for all particles of matter. Any matter is the owner of electric charges. Therefore, the photon which has been emitted by a radiator (by mass of rest - a star, a galaxy) being in a zone of inclination of this radiator in the process of removal from it will lose energy of interaction with it.

But if the photon on its way gets to a zone of electromagnetic interaction of other mass of rest, it will begin "falling" on this mass with an energy set. This is the direct proof of existence by a photon the equivalent mass. The laboratory trial was put in terrestrial conditions. Displacement of frequency was measured to within one percent and coincided with predicted one by the theory. That is the received by A.Einstein ratio Е = mc? is fair not only for mass of rest, but also for electromagnetic radiation.

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