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Все работы

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Cортировка по: рейтингу, названию, дате публикации, популярности

Книга Рейтинг Автор Размер
Introduction to Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena Stanley H.E. 3.90 Мб
Introduction to dynamical systems Brin M., Stuck G. 1.69 Мб
Introduction to Groups, Ivariants and Particles Firk W.K. 299.9 Кб
Фракталы Федер Е. 3.01 Мб
Laser light dynamics Haken H. 2.68 Мб
Lectures on Loop Quantum Gravity Thiemann T. 479.8 Кб
Lectures on Physics. Mainly Electromagnetism and Matter. Vol.5 Feynman R. et al. 8.64 Мб
Lectures on Physics. Quantum Machanics. Vol.9 and Vol.10 Feynman R. et al. 5.97 Мб
Lectures on string theory (an introduction to String theory and D-brane dynamics) Szabo R.J. 341.3 Кб
Mathematical Techniques for Wave/Structure Interactions Linton C.M., P.McIver 1.34 Мб
Mechanics in Material Space Kienzler R. , Herrmann G. 3.36 Мб
Methods of modern mathematical physics. Functional analysis Vol. 1 Reed M., Simon B. 8.41 Мб
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in semiconductors Kazunori Aoki 4.18 Мб
Notes on Motivic Cohomology Mazza C., Voevodsy V., Weibel C. 1.01 Мб
Nuclear Physics and Reactor Theory, Vol.1 U.S.Department of Energy 467.7 Кб
Nuclear Physics and Reactor Theory, Vol.2 U.S.Department of Energy 368.2 Кб
Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics (second editions) Sadiku M. 5.49 Мб
On the second of Hilbert's 16th problem Elin Oxenhielm 117.6 Кб
Particles and Quantum Fields Kleinert H. 6.21 Мб
Physics Formulary Wevers J.C.A. 513.7 Кб