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Книга Автор Размер
On the second of Hilbert's 16th problem Elin Oxenhielm 117.6 Кб
P-адический анализ и математическая физика Владимиров В.С. 2.05 Мб
Particles and Quantum Fields Kleinert H. 6.21 Мб
Physics and mathematics of the 2nd law of thermodynamics E.H. Lieb, J. Yngvason 709.2 Кб
Physics Formulary Wevers J.C.A. 513.7 Кб
Principles of Modern Physics Ashby N., Miller S. 3.46 Мб
QED, the strange theory of light and matter Feynman R.P. 560.0 Кб
Quantum Field Theory Norbury J. 245.5 Кб
Quantum Theory of Many-Body Systems Zagoskin A. 5.46 Мб
Quasicristals (second edition) Primer A. 10.07 Мб
Representation Theorems for the Displacement in an Elastic Solid and their Application to Elastodyna A.T. De Hoop 692.5 Кб
Signal analysis Mertins A, 3.26 Мб
Solids Far from Equilibrium Godreche C. 1.87 Мб
Spin fluctuations in itinerant electron magnetism Moriya T. 3.14 Мб
Statistical Mechanics Gallavotti G. 2.20 Мб
Statistical Mechanics. Fundamentals and Model Solutions Dorlas T.C. 2.10 Мб
Statistical Physics Galperin Y.M. 846.7 Кб
Statistical Thermodynamics of Surfaces, Interfaces, and Membranes Safran S.A. 2.19 Мб
Structure and Interpretatiton of Signals and Systems Lee E.A., Varaiya P. 1.67 Мб
Surface and Thin Film Analysis (Principles, Instrumentation, Application) Bubert H., Jenett H. 5.73 Мб