Jesse Liberty - Windows 8 XAML Primer

Windows 8 XAML Primer
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Windows 8 XAML Primer is a fast-paced 100 page introduction for Windows 8 developers who want to get their XAML skills into shape ready for Windows 8 development. If you're a C# developer this book offers you practical, hands-on training of Windows 8 XAML development from the first
Книги автора
Jesse Liberty, Tim Heuer
Jesse Liberty, Jeff Blankenburg, Jesse Liberty, Jeff Blankenburg, Jesse Liberty, Jeff Blankenburg, Jesse Liberty, Jeff Blankenburg
Jesse Liberty, Paul Betts, Jesse Liberty, Paul Betts, Jesse Liberty, Paul Betts, Jesse Liberty, Paul Betts
Jesse Liberty, Jon Galloway and Philip Japikse
Jesse Liberty, Dan Hurwitz, and Brian MacDonald