Стив Паркер - The Human Body Book (+ DVD-ROM)

Стив Паркер - The Human Body Book (+ DVD-ROM)
The Human Body Book (+ DVD-ROM)
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An Expanded And Enhanced Edition of this bestselling book, which has sold more than one million copies worldwide. Every Aspect Of The Body's Anatomy And Function is revealed with remarkable clarity and detail in hundreds of 3-D images. Discover How And Why The Body Malfunctions, with easy-to-understand, illustrated analysis of some of the most common disorders. A Unique DVD-ROM contains electrifying, specially commissioned animations and allows readers to interact with each body system. Incisive, clear, and authoritative, The Human Body Book is the essential interactive manual for students of human biology and healthcare professionals. It is also a great comprehensive reference book for the family.2nd Edition. Прилагаемый к изданию диск DVD-ROM упакован в специальный целлофановый конверт и вложен внутрь книги.
Книги автора
Стив Паркер
Стив Паркер
Сара Коуквелл, Бен Каунтер, Джонатан Грин, Стив Паркер, Роб Сандерс, Гэв Торп, Си Л. Вернер, Крис Райт
Клэр Астон, Стив Паркер
Стив Паркер
Дэн Абнетт, Даррен-Джон Эшмор, Си Эс Гото, Мэтт Киф, Майкл Ли, Грэм Макнилл, Стив Паркер