Комптон МакКензи - The Passionate Elopement

Комптон МакКензи - The Passionate Elopement
The Passionate Elopement
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Лондон, 1912 год. Macmillan and Co., Limited. Издательский переплет. Сохранность хорошая. The meagre sun that for thirteen pallid February days had shone with no more brilliance than a rushlight stuck amid the cobwebs of a garret, poured down at last his profuse glories, and Curtain Wells woke up to a fine morning and the burden of conscious existence, with an effort all the more completely unanimous on account of its reputation as an inland Spa. Residence there implied an almost monastic ideal of regularity. Other shrines of Aesculapius, falling from their primitive purity of worship, might set up for adoration a hooped Venus or bag-wigged Cupid, but Curtain Wells would never admit so naked and misleading a pair of Immortals. Her fountains ministered to bodily ailments—Vapours, Winds, Gouts, Quinsies, Consumptions, Fevers quartan and tertian—without pretending to the power of love-philtres or the sparkle of the Castalian Spring. Издание не подлежит вывозу за пределы Российской Федерации.
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Комптон МакКензи