Джерри Дж. Вейгандт, David R. Koeppen, Denise M. English, Дональд Э. Кизо, Пол Киммел - Solving Accounting Principles Problems Using Excel and Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows. Accounting Principles (+ 3 diskettes)

Джерри Дж. Вейгандт, David R. Koeppen, Denise M. English, Дональд Э. Кизо, Пол Киммел - Solving Accounting Principles Problems Using Excel and Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows. Accounting Principles (+ 3 diskettes)
Solving Accounting Principles Problems Using Excel and Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows. Accounting Principles (+ 3 diskettes)
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The most complete guide available to help professionals sharpen their accounting and business skills. This unique reference features a logically structured framework that details accounting practices step-by-step, as well as all the newest innovations in the field. This new edition includes a complete copy of the Land's End Annual Report, which the authors have integrated throughout the text.6th edition.
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