Peter Watts / Питер Уоттс - Echopraxia / Эхопраксия

Peter Watts / Питер Уоттс - Echopraxia / Эхопраксия
Peter Watts / Питер Уоттс - Echopraxia / Эхопраксия
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Echopraxia / Эхопраксия
Год выпуска: 2014 г.
Автор: Peter Watts / Питер Уоттс
Категория: Science Fiction
Издатель: Tor Books
Язык курса: Английский
Формат: EPUB
Кол-во страниц: 667
ISBN: 978-0765328021
Описание: It's the eve of the twenty-second century: a world where the dearly departed send postcards back from Heaven and evangelicals make scientific breakthroughs by speaking in tongues; where genetically engineered vampires solve problems intractable to baseline humans and soldiers come with zombie switches that shut off self-awareness during combat. And it’s all under surveillance by an alien presence that refuses to show itself.
Daniel Bruks is a living fossil: a field biologist in a world where biology has turned computational, a cat's-paw used by terrorists to kill thousands. Taking refuge in the Oregon desert, he’s turned his back on a humanity that shatters into strange new subspecies with every heartbeat. But he awakens one night to find himself at the center of a storm that will turn all of history inside-out.
Доп. информация: Дэниел Брукс, удалившись в самоизгнание после ошибки, унесшей жизни семи тысяч четырехсот восьмидесяти двух пациентов, вынужден искать спасения от боевых зомби в монастыре таинственного ордена Двухпалатников. Он и не знает, что из орегонской пустыни ему суждено попасть в огненное сердце Солнечной системы, в гости к божеству медлительней ледников, проницательней вампиров и безжалостней безумных ученых. Терновый венец человечества вот-вот повернется иглами внутрь, ну а пока что-то огромное и чуждое за пределами терзаемой Сингулярностью Земли, в бесконечном фрактальном пейзаже солнечных протуберанцев, пытается представить себе, что значит быть Сири Китоном...
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A WHITE ROOM, innocent of shadow or topography. No angles: that’s crucial. No corners or intrusions of furniture, no directional lighting, no geometries of light and shadow whose intersection, from any viewpoint, might call forth the Sign of the Cross. The walls—wall, rather—was a single curved surface, softly bioluminescent, a spheroid enclosure flattened at the bottom in grudging deference to biped convention. It was a giant womb three meters across, right down to the whimpering thing curled up on the floor.
A womb, with all the blood on the outside.
Her name was Sachita Bhar and all that blood was in her head, too. By now they’d killed the cameras just like everything else but there was no way to take back the images from those first moments: the lounge, the Histo lab, even the broom closet for chrissakes, a grungy little cubby on the third floor where Gregor had hidden. Sachie hadn’t been watching when Gregor had been found. She’d been flipping through the channels, frantically scanning for life and finding only the dead, their insides all out now. By the time she’d cycled through to the closet feed the monsters had already been and gone.