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Effective Java: Programming Language Guide - Bloch J.

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Название: Effective Java: Programming Language Guide
Автор: Bloch J. (Загрузил Denis aka Rock Lee)
Категория: Программирование
Дата добавления: 05.04.2009
Скачиваний: 801
Описание: If a colleague were to say to you, “Spouse of me this night today manufactures the unusual
meal in a home. You will join?” three things would likely cross your mind: third, that you had
been invited to dinner; second, that English was not your colleague's first language; and first,
a good deal of puzzlement.
If you have ever studied a second language yourself and then tried to use it outside the
classroom, you know that there are three things you must master: how the language is
structured (grammar), how to name things you want to talk about (vocabulary), and the
customary and effective ways to say everyday things (usage). Too often only the first two are
covered in the classroom, and you find native speakers constantly suppressing their laughter
as you try to make yourself understood.
It is much the same with a programming language. You need to understand the core language:
is it algorithmic, functional, object-oriented? You need to know the vocabulary: what data
structures, operations, and facilities are provided by the standard libraries? And you need to
be familiar with the customary and effective ways to structure your code. Books about
programming languages often cover only the first two, or discuss usage only spottily. Maybe
that's because the first two are in some ways easier to write about. Grammar and vocabulary
are properties of the language alone, but usage is characteristic of a community that uses it.
