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Cisco Secure PIX Firewall Advanced Exam Certification Guide - Cisco press

Режим просмотра:
Название: Cisco Secure PIX Firewall Advanced Exam Certification Guide
Автор: Cisco press (Загрузил Denis aka Rock Lee)
Категория: Телекоммуникационные системы и сети
Дата добавления: 26.03.2009
Скачиваний: 38
Описание: Will Aranha is currently a principal security engineer nlQ Symantec Corp Hi.prxiaryjobisas a technical prcd-uct manager, which includes determining зек product support baselining. and providing Technical naming ro The security engineering staff. Aranha is well-versed x many information security products and practices. Along with numerous firewall YPN aid IDS deployments, bott domestic and international, be provide* third-tier technical support to a 24fl Security C^wrarion* С enrer. serving as a subject matter expert for all Managed Services supported producis. Aranha has also conrribiiTed :o the growth and success of the start-up company Ripcect. me. which was acquired by Symantec Corp It is now ihe premier security solutions provider in the market. In his free rime, he lias completed many industry-leading security certifications
Me^fin l-o.Iiu. CCIE No. 8350 is a system engineer for УетосаИ Wireless Id;., the second-biggest wireless company x the U S. Ke is responsible for designing, maintainmg. troubleshooting, and securing MerrocalTs backbone. Ke has been with Meoocali for almost sis years. Ke has an extensive background x OSPF, BGP. MPLS, and network securiry. He has a BSc in computer and information -deuce and civil engxeering Ke currently is working toward an MSc in telecommunications. As a senior network engineer, he has worked for IKS and tbe Peniagon as a contractor. He ha* been in ibe networking field for more than nine years.
Jonathan Limbo, CCIE Security No 10:53. is currently workxg as a Security and VPN support engineer acting as escalation for PIX issues as well as for oiber security 3nd YPN products ,'ouaiuau has worked x the IT industry for 5 years, most of which as a Network Engineer.
С ilk-. Piche is a security consultant who has been working in the Network Security field in Canada for over 6 years. Prior to that, he did conrract work wits. The Canadian government x a network engineering capaciry Oilles is also a Cisco Certified Securiry Instructor and has been teachxg Cisco Securiry courses for Global Knowledge Network (Canada) for the last 2 years.
