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The euclidean algorithm in dimension n - Pottier L.

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Название: The euclidean algorithm in dimension n
Автор: Pottier L. (Загрузил Denis aka Rock Lee)
Категория: Информатика. Компьютеры
Дата добавления: 23.02.2009
Скачиваний: 21
Описание: Introduction
We present in this paper an algorithm which is a natural extension in dimension n of the Euclidean algorithm computing the greatest common divisor of two integers.
Let H be a sub-group of Zn, given by a system of generators. This algorithm computes the union of bases of all monoids obtained as intersection of H with the 2" orthants of Zn.
As a consequence, this algorithm can be used for example to compute minimal solutions of linear Diophantine systems, the basis of the monoid of integer points of a rational sim-plicial convex cone (called the Hilbert basis of the monoid), the Hilbert serie of a graded algebra, or integer points of a rational simplex.
This is a completion algorithm, i.e. similar to Buchberger algorithm (Grobner bases), and to Knuth-Bendix algorithm (canonical rewriting systems), also parent with the Euclide algorithm.
In dimension 2, it is different of the Gaussian algorithm (see for example [3]).
The Euclide algorithm in Z
The Euclide algorithm makes successive Euclidean divisions :
«i = qiu2 + аз, в2 = дгаз + й4, ,... ,an-i = qn-io,n
giving finally the gcd an of a,\ and аг-
More generally, given gi,... ,gn generating a sub-group H of Z, divide them with each other, replacing them by remainders of divisions, while it is possible. Then we obtain a basis of H, i.e. the gcd of the дг. Remark that this gcd is, in absolute value, a basis of the monoid H П N.
The Euclide algorithm appears then as a completion algorithm, as Buchberger algorithm, which makes divisions on multivariate polynomials.
Generalization to Zn
Naturally, let us generalize the Euclidean division to vectors of Zn :
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a non zero vector v divides a vector v' iff for all i £ [1; n], Viv'i > 0 and \vi\ < \v't\.
The remainder of the division of v' by v is v' — qv, where q is the greatest natural number such that qv divides v' if v divides t/, else q = 0.
Note that the remainder is in the same orthant of Zn than v', and also than v if q is not zero.
The remainder R{v, F) of the division of a vector v by a family F of vectors is obtained by successive divisions by vectors of F or by their opposites. This remainder cannot be divided by any vector of F U — F but it is not unique in general, and depends on the order in which vectors of F are used.
In other words, the division by F is not a confluent relation in general. To make it confluent, it is necessary to complete F, according to the principle shared by algorithms of Buchberger and Knuth-Bendix.
The Euclide algorithm in dimension n
From a generating system G of a sub-group H of Zn, we build incrementally a family F of vectors in H, by adding at each step the non zero remainders of divisions by F of sums and differences of vectors of F (sums and differences are analog to S-polynomials of Buchberger and critical pairs of Knuth-Bendix). A last step divides vectors between them.
- Procedure Completion(G)
- F:=GU-G
- SD := {v + v'\v, v' € F} - {0}
- While SD ф 0
let veSD
SD := SD - {v, -v]
if v ф 0 then
SD := SD U {г/ + v\v' € F} U {v1 ~ v\v' G F}
F := F\J{v,-v}
- Return F
- Procedure Reduction(F)
- While there exists v and v in F, not equal, v' dividing v
- F:=F-{v, -v} U {R(v, {„'}), -Д(„, {„'})}
- Return F
