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An introduction to chaos in nonequilibrium statistical michanics - Dorfman J.R.

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Название: An introduction to chaos in nonequilibrium statistical michanics
Автор: Dorfman J.R. (Загрузил Denis aka Rock Lee)
Категория: Физика
Дата добавления: 21.10.2008
Скачиваний: 68
Описание: This book began its life as a set of lecture notes based on a series of lectures given to fourth year students at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Utrecht during the spring semester of 1994. The course of lectures was entitled From Molecular Chaos to Dynamical Chaos. At the suggestion of Prof. Matthieu Ernst, two students in the class, Lucas Neevens van Baal and Iris Lafaille, took notes, edited them, and prepared a manuscript that formed the basis for the lecture notes. The notes have undergone several revisions and many more corrective exercises to remove many errors that I inadvertently added to the original file provided by Mr. van Baal and Ms. Lafaille. It is due to their hard work and desire to make the notes as clear as possible that the notes have made their reappearance as a book.
